Twenty seven

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"Ah!" I jump backwards and into Owen's chest, placing my hand over my heart.

Owen's hand clutches onto my upper arm to prevent me from falling.

Someone dressed up as a spider stands in front of me.

"Watch where you're fucking going." They scoff and skim past me.

I almost made them spill their drink.

"You're the one who bumped into her?" Owen throws him a dirty look.

"I don't give a fuck, you and your bitch need to get out the way." He scoffs.

Who does this ugly bitch think he's calling bitch?

Before I can open my big mouth, Owen cuts in.

Owen blows out an annoyed breath and rolls his eyes. "Talkin' a lot of shit for someone whose dressed up as a fucking spider."

Spider guy's face becomes red with anger. Right when he's about to get closer to Owen I slip my hand around Owen's wrist and tug him towards me as I begin to walk quickly down the hallway and away from spider man.

I don't want Owen possibly getting hurt and possibly ruining his pretty face from some rip-off tarantula.

"Yeah, yeah.  Run away you little pussies!" Spider guy yells as he stays rooted in his spot.

Owen twists his head to look at him immediately.  "Who you calling pussy? Must I remind you that you're dressed up in a fucking spider costume? You look fucking stupid! Good luck getting pussy tonight in that thing, douche!" Owen calls out to him as I continue to drag him down the hall, he reluctantly follows. I weaver us around the couples making around.

I have to hold back my laugh.

I've never really seen Owen actually mad before.  Angry Owen is entertaining.

Once we're far away enough, I tug him closer to my side.

I look up at him.

He looks down at me.

I begin laughing so hard, bent over trying to catch my breath.

A few seconds later I look back up to Owen to see him smiling at me, trying not to laugh from my laughing.

"That was great." I choke out now chuckles.

He throws his arm around my shoulder and continues to walk us down the hallway, supporting my crumbling laughing frame as I break down in laughs.

"He's just mad because I was right." He shrugs.

My laughing eventually dies out and I stand up straight.  His arm is still around me.  And my face feels hot.

Why does my face feel hot.

The weight of his arm on top of my shoulder is heavy, making me very aware of his presence.

"Let's try not to start fights with walking spiders, alright?" I hold back my laugh.

He shrugs. "No promises."

Another laugh escapes me.  I feel myself frown though when his arm slides off me and goes back down to his side.

Looking around, I realize how big this house truly is.  I feel bad for whoever owns this house because it's a reck now.

Cups are littered everywhere, some stains are on the carpet. A few broken items scattered around the place.

It's also quite dark, only a few random lamps and LED lights provide some sort of light.

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