Thirty two

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"It's your birthday tomorrow!" I announce excitedly as I bump his shoulder with mine.

I wonder if he is getting sick of me. He is one of my only friends, therefore I bother him for everything.

I wouldn't be surprised if he secretly hates me.

"I'm aware." I watch his breath in the cold air as he speaks.

The weather has gotten drastically colder.

I think it's even supposed to snow.

His skin is pretty much pale now.  Except the cold weather makes his cheeks, nose, and ears red. It's cute.

I lift my fingers up and gently graze his cold cheeks.

I take notice of the way his tongue darts out and wets his bottom lip. And the way he begins to glance around the park nervously.

"Your face is cold. C'mon." I slip my hand down his arm and into his hand, dragging him to the wooden bench near the playground.

The cold wood makes me flinch when it makes contact with my butt.

Once we are sat down I put my hands on his shoulders and urge him to turn towards me.

His eyes stare down into mine as I bring my gloved hands to his cheeks, warming up his face.

A slow smile creeps onto his face when I use my hands to squish his cheeks together to make his mouth look weird.

When I remove my hands his face is even redder from the warmth.

"Thanks." He turns back to face the right way and leans against the bench. His legs are spread out and one of his legs bounce a little, over and over again.

Today I dragged him to the park with me since I was bored. Watching kids fall off the slides and cry together sounded amusing to me.

I'm currently watching what seems to be five or six year old kids attempt to climb on top of the tall monkey bars.

They're gonna regret that. I can already tell.

The sound of their high little voices muttering things to each other as they try to haul themselves up echos through the silence.

When I glance to Owen, I see him still slouched against the seat, also watching the stupid children.

He makes a grimacing expression when one of them finally reaches the top.

"Look Darian! I made it to the top and you didn't! Cause you suck!" The little girl sticks her tongue out at what I'm assuming is her brother from above.

"Momma is gonna slap you for being mean to me!" He yells back up at her.

"Momma ain't here! Suck a butt hoe." She counters back.

"This is entertaining." Owen whispers, not looking away from the arguing kids.

"I know right." I whisper back.

After a few minutes the little girl begins to look

"Get me down Darian!" Her face contorts in worry. Her brother laughs.

She begins to cry.

"Okay, okay!" The little boy tries to reach her but he's too short.  He looks like he is in second grade.  There is no way he could get her down.

He places his hands on his hips and stares up at her, pondering what to do.

"Ariel, I think you're just gonna die of up there." He shrugs.

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