Bonus chapter

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*Owen's POV*

"Put the pillow over your face." Luna immediately grabs one of our pillows and holds it over her face.

I laugh against her flesh when I dip my head back down and hear her moan in contentment against the pillow.

I don't want Dani to hear what her parents are doing. I don't want to traumatize my poor daughter.

Suddenly a loud knocks on the door makes me stop and lift my head.

"Someone should probably get the-" I cut her off with my tongue.

"Never mind." She croaks out.

A minute later she releases into my mouth.

"Okay we need to get the door now." I give her a sly smile as I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a plain black shirt.

She lays naked on the bed, still in a daze, post-orgasm tired.

I run a hand through my messy hair as I walk over to get the door.

An angry Levina and a smiling Olive are the first things I see.

"Oh...sup." I open the door wider for them to come in.

"What took you so long to open the damn door-" She pauses and takes in my appearance. "Wait...where's Luna?"

I scratch my jaw. "In bed."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You guys were just fucking? We told you we'd be here by 5pm...and it's 5pm you idiot." She places a hand on her hip.

"No...we weren't fucking. We were uh...sleeping." I awkwardly scratch the back of my head.

"Mhm...yeah 'cause people always get hickeys and swollen lips when they sleep." Olive snorts.

My eyes widen and I quickly lift my hand to touch my neck.


"Anyways, go get Luna and get out here. And where's Dani? I need to see that adorable mini Luna." Levina grips onto the top of my shirt and shakes me back and forth dramatically.

"Just gimme a sec." Quickly, I walk back to the bedroom.

Luna lays on her side, half asleep.

I lean over her body and gently shake her shoulder.  "Luna, wake up Levina and Olive are here."

I grin when she immediately sits up, her eyes wide.

She flings the covers off herself and smiles as she quickly gets off the bed.

"Luna...clothes.  You're only in your underwear." She looks down to her naked body and curses under her breath, hurrying to shove a shirt over her upper body and pull on a pair of jeans.

I try to bite back my smile when I see a darkening hickey on her neck.


While she speeds out the room to go say hi to them I walk over to Dani's room.

I quietly open the door and leave the light off as I walk over to crib so that I don't blind her poor sleepy eyes.

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