Thirty six

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He stares ahead as he thinks.

"Owen, I told you that you don't have to talk about it-" His words cut me off.

"It's okay. I'm okay." He turns his head and gives me a reassuring look.

I swallow, and nod.

"But yeah. I had a brother and his name was Danny." Had? My stomach twists, scared for what he might say next.

When he opens his mouth to speak again he quickly closes it. "How about I tell you everything later, yeah?" His eyes meet mine, a glossy look coating them.

I can tell he's trying not to break.

"Okay." I slip my hand into his and give it a reassuring squeeze.

Suddenly Levina and Olive come back, holding four cups of hot chocolate.

Levina glances down to our conjoined hands and sends me a quick smirk before handing Owen and I our drinks.

I wrap both my freezing hands around the cup and take a large sip. The hot liquid burns my tongue.

"Omg so the girl who gave us the drinks was literally so fuckin' rude.  Like everything she did was with such attitude for what? She didn't even respond when I said 'have a good day'.  Like who the fuck does that bitch think she is?" Levina continues ranting about the rude girl as she takes the seat next to me.

Olive chugs the drink like nothing.  I never understood how some people could chug hot liquids.  How do they not die?

" did you enjoy skating?" Levina jokingly wiggles her eyebrows.

"I didn't enjoy it at all. I got bullied by two little kids and was practically hanging onto Owen for dear life." I sigh.

She smirks at the mention of Owen. " and Owen huh?" A knowing look is in her eyes.

My eyes widen and I bite the side of my cheek.

"We're...uh...we're just friends." I respond, not meeting her gaze.

Owen and Olive are currently in a conversation, so he isn't paying attention.

"I'm not an idiot." Levina leans closer to my ear and whispers.

"What do you mean?" Anxiety begins to churn in my stomach.

"I see everything." She quickly winks at me.

I gulp.

Before I could muster up a response she continues. "So are you guys dating yet or what? I've been waiting fucking months for this to happen." She takes a sip of her hot chocolate and waits for me to give her details.

"No...we aren't. We just like to, you know, kiss a lot." I feel my face heat at the thought of his lips.

They're so warm and tender. I could kiss them all day. And the way his tongue-

"Omg...have you guys had sex yet!" She whisper yells to me.

My eyes go wide once more.

"No! Just kissing and a little touching. But that's it." I'm glad he hasn't pushed me to do anything, shows a lot about his character. Except I wouldn't mind to explore just a little.

"Boring." She drags out the word as she rolls her eyes. "When you have sex tell me everything!" She flashes me a grin.

"Don't worry, I will." I won't. Okay maybe I'll tell her a little, but not everything. Plus I don't even know if Owen wants to have sex with me.

"What day is it?" She randomly asks.

"Um..." I check on my phone. "Friday."

"Shit. I gotta get home. I promised my dad I would watch a movie with him. And it's already 9pm. The old guy goes to bed at like 10:30." She rolls her eyes and takes out her phone, beginning to type away.

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