Thirty three

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"Happy birthday you beautiful stupidly smart dude!" I throw my arms over his shoulders and squeeze his rigid body as tight as I can.

I take in his relaxing scent of vanilla body wash.

Damn that smells so fucking good.

His arms wrap around my waist, squeezing me gently back.

I rest my head on his shoulder before leaning back and placing a fat kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks." He responds lowly.

"Okay enough, enough c'mon it's getting late!" Levina stands up off Owen's bed, dragging Olive up with her.

I break away from Owen and playfully tug on a piece of his lose messy curls.

How does he barely put any effort into his hair yet it still looks naturally so good.

Even though Owen hates birthdays, Levina is still dragging him to some diner.  The food there is supposed to be great.  I'm not sure what I'm going to get, considering I'm an extremely picky eater.

I glance at myself in the mirror in his hallway as we walk towards the stairs.

Since it's winter I don't have much frizz.  My hair is just dead straight from the lack of humidity in the air.

Today I wore a oversized warm brown sweater with dark washed blue mom jeans.  Dark green converse on my feet, of course.  A few random thin silver bands are scattered on my fingers.

"Bye mom!" Levina waves to Mrs. Laurent.

"Bye!" She sounds so elegant with her thick French accent.  Owen walks over to her and gives her a hug along with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Me and your dad are going to your aunt's tonight, remember. The invitation is still on the table if you want to come." She says to him after they separate from the hug.

He nods at her and half smiles.

I smile and wave bye to her and she gives me a warming smile back before I follow Levina and Olive out the door.

Owen closes it behind me.

A light layer of snow covers the ground, making soft crunching noises beneath our feet.

"Try to limit the amount of snow you get in my car, you fools." Levina points her finger in all of our directions before sitting in the drivers seat.

I kick some snow off my sneakers before stepping inside.

Owen and I sit in the back seat while Levina and Olive sit in the front.

Owen is wearing boring colorless clothes of course. Dark grey crewneck, white air forces, and black dickies.

How does he manage to look effortlessly great?

It's fucking unfair.

Levina starts playing My Sh*t by A Boogie.

Olive and I begin to sing along, our terrible singing combining to make one horrible noise.

Her voice is hoarse and scratchy while mine cracks every two seconds.

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