Thirty nine

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"Her lips are too big for her face, she kind of reminds me of a fish." They whisper to each other.

I guess that they think that I can't hear them.

I suck in my bottom lip and bite it in-between my teeth.

My lips are not too big for my face.  I chew on my bottom lip as I think about it.  Are they?

I pick at the skin around my nails as the teacher continues yapping away about something that has to do with math.

The words the teacher is spewing out go in one ear and out the other.  I'll just ask Owen to help me later.

Last week when he helped me with math it wasn't very helpful.  Considering I ended up sucking him off instead.

That was fun.  I should ask if he'll let me do it again.

Except he did carry out his promise of doing the homework for me and giving it to me the next day.

I got all the answers right.  Well, I didn't, he did.

I'm extremely jealous of how smart he is.  He has close to perfect scores in all of his classes.  I could never.

The two girls sitting in the seats beside me snicker again.

"Someone should just kick her back to whatever shit hole country she came from." The second voice says lowly.

"I know right.  I don't even know how Owen likes her."

When I turn my head to face their direction their faces go straight.

I'm not going to cry.  I'm not going to cry.  I'm. Not. Going. To. Cry.

I want to slap her so badly.

Madeline and one of her friends bite on their bottom lip to stop their laughter.

They know that I heard them.  I don't understand what I ever did wrong.

I brush them off.  They're just projecting their insecurities.  They're pathetic, truly.

I don't bother to open my "too big of lips".  If I did then I'd be letting them win.

Except the urge to talk shit about her extremely ripped skinny jeans sits at the tip of my tongue.  It looks a cat got into her clothing and tore everything apart.

She thinks she's the shit but she's just every other rude bitch on this earth, full of insecurity and hatred.

Hopefully she finds it in her heart one day to realize that being kind to people is not the hardest thing to do in the world.

When class is dismissed I sling my backpack over my shoulder and follow the two girls to the exit.

"You know...Owen really does know how to use his tongue." Her expression goes cold when she turns to me.

I give her a bright smile before spinning on my heels and walking the opposite way.


"Can you be honest?" I look away from the mirror and to Owen who's scrolling on his phone.

He looks up. "About what?" I hear the sound of a click as he turns off his phone and shoves it in his back pocket.

"Are my lips too big for my face?" He slowly comes closer to me as I fully turn my body to look up at him.

My eyes widen when he abruptly pulls my face up to his, his hand gripped onto the back of my head.

His tongue immediately slips into my mouth, teasing mine.

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