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The extremely large room has dim lighting and different colored flashing lights throughout.

A shit ton of people are here.

I nervously pick at the skin around my nails.

"C'mon!" Levina beckons to us with her hand.  Her and Olive make their way through the crowd.

Both of them are wearing the dresses they had bought, paired with nice heels and complimenting jewelry.

They look gorgeous.

Owen and I follow them to a table.

Owen looks good too. He's wearing plain black dress pants and a black button up with the first button unbuttoned. Black shoes rest at his feet and his silver chain and silver rings decorate his fingers and neck.

He looks hot.

"Guys over here!" Levina calls us to a half filled table.

I see some familiar faces from school sitting around with their dates.

The DJ is playing Lemonade by Gunna & Nav ft. Don Toliver.  It's so loud I can't even easvsdrop on what Levina and Olive are gossiping to each other about in front of us.

When I turn my head to the right I smile when I see a dude from my math class twerking.  Damn, he has a nice booty.

We all take seats at the large table.  Levina and Olive sit across from Owen and I who are also sitting next to each other.

Owen immediately goes on his phone.  I know he doesn't want to be here.  He's the type who isn't a fan of social gatherings.  Can't even blame him to be honest, these type of things aren't everyone's cup of tea.

I'd much rather be home watching Netflix with Owen...or doing other things as well.

I nervously pop the corner of my phone case on and off as I look around for something to do.

Levina and Olive are wrapped up with each other in the middle of some conversation their having.  Since it's loud I can't hear them, but I do notice lots of gasping and giggling.

They're probably talking about animal sex again.

Owen scrolls on his phone, reading an online book.

I chew on my bottom lip out of anxious habit except freeze when I feel someone sit in the seat right next to me.

A guy from one of my classes smiles at me as he sits down.

He isn't ugly, that's for sure.  Shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Sup Luna." He winks at me.

My eyes widen.  How does he even know my name? Literally nobody in school pays any sort of attention to me.

"Oh uh hi! Um...boy who's name I don't know!" I flash him a smile and a small wave.

He chuckles.  "My name is Henry.  So...who'd you come with?" He glances over to Owen.  "Owen your date?"

My body stiffens when I glance to Owen, his jaw clenching as he looks at me from the side.

I swallow, my heart sinks at the reminder but I quickly paint on a happy façade.  "Nope! He's my friend."

My "friend" who I don't want to be "friends" with.

Owen lifts his eyebrow at my words.  I'm the one to clench my jaw this time before turning back towards Henry.  "Did you bring a date?"

"Nope." He grins.

"Cool." I look back forward, honestly not caring for this conversation.

Wait.  A light bulb goes off in my head when I remember what Levina told me.

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