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It's Saturday and dad is still nowhere to be found ever since I stood up to him.

I can only pray that he doesn't return.

Earlier I asked my mom if I can go to my friend's pool and she said sure.

I nervously chew my bottom lip as I tug on the lose threads of the towel on my lap.

A large t-shirt covers my body since the only thing I'm wearing is a swimsuit.

"Can you turn this shit off?" Owen's deep voice is heavy with tiredness.

"No." Levina immediately rebuts.

These two have been bickering the entire car ride to her house. I'm sitting in the back seat with Olive.

Since her and Levina are officially dating now she is going to be there as well.

She actually seems pretty chill.

"Why not?" Owen snaps. He seems even more annoyed then usual.

"Stop being a little bitch and just listen to the fucking song." Levina responds as we finally arrive on her street.

It's currently 6pm. I guess this is more of a night swim type of thing. It doesn't really matter though since the pool is an indoor one.

She stops the car abruptly once we get in the driveway, causing all of us to jerk forward.

From where I'm sitting I can see Owen glare at Levina from the side.

I let out a small laugh, to which he turns his head and glares at me as well. His piercing grey eyes making me drop my smile in an instant.

"Okay c'mon!" Levina quickly hops out the car and then hurriedly runs to Olive's door and opens it for her.

"Thank you baby." Olive gives Levina a kiss on the nose and Levina giggles.

As I look over to Owen I see him standing next to them, pretending to gag in disgust.

"Guess you're not into seeing happy couples?" I question him as I stalk towards him.

"Mushy gushy couples make me sick." His blue towel is resting under his arm.

As of right now he is wearing a regular black shirt sleeve t-shirt and a pair of black swim shorts.

Since he is wearing a short sleeve shirt I can finally see more of his tattoos. Along with the small snake one I saw that night in the car, he also a few more scattered on that arm.

I see one of a very small rose. Huh, I love roses. There seems to be a few others, but I can't see them right now.

Levina intertwines her fingers with Olive's and drags her up the steps and inside the house. Owen and I follow right behind.

I'm not sure where Levina's dad is, but his car isn't in their big ass driveway so he must not be home.

"This way." Levina sounds excited as she leads us through her gigantic kitchen and dining room, into a room at the back of the house.

Her pool is a long rectangle, and large floor to ceiling windows allow us to see the outside. There are several lounge chairs and the floor is concrete.

  There are several lounge chairs and the floor is concrete

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