"As you know," he began, "there has been some rather suspicious activity from The Academy, particularly from one group within The Academy. Now, this group is what they call an 'all dog team', meaning all the members of the team are male; if there was an all-female team it would be called an 'all bird team'. It's very rare for there to be a team with one female amongst males and vice versa, but it has been done according to our research. What we need you to do is attempt to infiltrate this group, that is, you'll have to go undercover and earn their trust. Once they trust you enough to let you in you'll have to try and find out as much information about their activities as possible." Asked Agent Grayson, running a calloused hand over his jaw. Sang sighed deeply.
"I did hear about that, actually. Look, sir, I appreciate you asking me to do this but are you absolutely sure I'm the right person for this job? I mean..." she trailed off, running a hand through her hair.
"Yes Sang, I am sure. Unless, you know, we ask your sister Marie-" Sang froze. There was no way she'd let her infuriating older sister Marie take this job. No matter how soon she'd have to start, she would definitely take it if it meant Marie didn't get it. Her sister was less of a sister and more of a cold, indifferent robot. Marie had been a poor excuse of a sister, particularly when they were kids and were abused by their mother. Marie was never protective of her and always let Sang take the heat, never bothering to step up and help or defend her from her mothers cruel and unusual punishments.
"That's not necessary sir, I'll take the job. Just email me the itinerary and documents relating to the job. When do I start?" asked Sang peering up at the man before her. His warm brown eyes met her bright green ones and he gave a sympathetic smile. "Tomorrow."