3: Enchantix - Kira

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SUMMARY: In the aftermath of the fairies winning victoriously against a powerful enemy, the fairies have now a new quest which is to earn a new power called Enchantix which requires a sacrifice. This part is how Kira Himeya earns her Enchantix in her POV.

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In the forest, the captain had assigned me to be with Nagi as a group of two because the Illustrator warned us about a space beast with very high heat wave signals that is approaching towards the surface, predicting it would land in the forest area.

While there were other groups split up. Before, I thought the captain would assign me to be with Kumon since he is my only friend I can rely on, but instead Nagi is my partner. Our relationship between her and myself, well its pretty complicated.

Wandering around with our blasters locked and loaded, the main focus is to make sure the beast does not land on the surface and destroy anything. I had to keep my eyes wide open.

While walking around with Nagi behind, Shaila came along too quietly without Nagi noticing. Shaila said to me in a whisper that she wants to help out on this mission. So I accepted the offer and she walks along side me.

"Member Kira." Nagi said. "You alright over there? Usually you would chat for a bit."

"This mission is serious, Nagi. I have to focus, I can talk after when its done." That was my reply back in a neutral tone meaning this mission has to be taken seriously.

"That is what I want to hear, member Kira. The mission is our top priority." Nagi said to me back.

As the three of us were walking around still, nothing is there. But a roar sound was heard from a distance as a black colored space beast finally approaches the surface, landing.

Nagi, Shaila, and I looked up at the beast. It was a dark version of Galberos. We were not scared of it at all as Nagi immediately calls the others to come assist to take it down.

While for me and Shaila, we ran off to the aside because it was a good time to transform and use magic against Dark Galberos.

Once when we arrived at the spot, Shaila and I took out our evoltruster and ring. "Ultraix!" We shouted as we transform into our ultra fairy forms. Then, we flew out fast as we can towards the scene, even the other Night Raiders were all together.

"Let's do this and take care of this beast." I said.

"Yes, it is about time to show off our skills." Shaila replied back as we use our magic to attack Dark Galberos.

The battle was getting tough so far for me, Shaila, and my raider teammates. We cannot even make a single dent on it.

Dark Galberos fires out flames from both mouths at us. The flames were approaching so close, we had to step back to avoid it but I took a risk which was to stepping up and summoning my shield.

Deflecting the flames with the shield, I used my Evoltruster, turning into blaster mode, shooting bullets at it while holding the shield.

"What are you even doing! Get back!" Shaila yelled.

"I have to save us all!" I yelled right back, turning my head back a bit. "There must be a way to defeat this beast and it will be me who will find it!"

I couldn't handle much longer as Galberos stopped releasing flames at us, growling at us instead. I let go of my shield slowly and resetting my Evoltruster just in case.

"It might be dangerous to do it alone!" The captain added on.

"I can do it alone, my destiny can lead me the way. It is the bond!" I exclaimed once more as a light magically came down from the sky, floating down towards me.

That light emerges into my body and the Evoltruster glows. I could feel some new power flowing through my whole entire body. Magically, my body changed forms into a new form, Enchantix. That feeling was like a caterpillar evolving into a butterfly.

With the new powers and wings, the light from my Enchantix blinded Dark Galberos and was defeated in matter of seconds as the light gave an instant critical hit.

Floating down towards the others, there were shocking expressions around their faces. Shaila's expression was amazement.

"That was amazing! You earned your Enchantix!" Shaila said.

"Enchantix? What is that?" Kumon is confused of the new term.

"Its a new power whenever some fairy makes a sacrifice and they earn it by doing that special deed." I explained in a simple way.  "I learned it from school."

"Talking about Enchantix, I should think how I should earn mine." Shaila wondered.

"Don't worry about it, I can help." I replied back, placing my hand on Shaila's shoulder.

Then, the two fairies flies off to the sky heading the opposite direction from the forest as the other Night Raiders watched them soar in the sky.

That was the story of how I, Kira Himeya, earned a new power that took a sacrifice to protect others from a beast like Dark Galberos. Next up, let's see how Shaila earns her Enchantix powers.

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