16: The Aftermath

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SUMMARY: It is a day after when Kira and Shaila defeated Tartarus for good. This is the story of what happens in the aftermath of these events. Also, this chapter is a bonus as the author aka me will narrate.

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A day past after an intense final battle against Tartarus in The Kingdom, our heroes had proven themselves that they are now announced as the Ultra fairies.

Also their Zero calls them as the "Legendary Winged Ultras." Such honorable title for Kira and Shaila as honorary members of Ultimate Force Zero.

What happens next in Kira and Shaila's lives now after when they saved the galaxies? What they did is stay on Earth and focus on their personal lives to calm down and settle in until they are needed if possible for missions.

Besides, they graduated Alfea with their classmates right before their final battle. You may be wondering a question about their school life.

For Kira Himeya, she returned back to the the TLT base wondering if her teammates are still here. Looking around the place after many years since she left, Kira thought the others would be not here.

Approaching the main room, she sees two familiar faces as Kira goes in shock. It was Kumon and Nagi; when they saw Kira, they rush to Kira hugging her as Kira hugs them back. It was a sweet reunion as she tells them the news.

It is a sweet reunion between Kira, Kumon, and Nagi. The bond of Kira and Nagi improved better than the last time as they became trustful allies.

Lastly for Shaila Kurenai, she promised to Rosso, Blu, and Grigio that she would visit them in their hometown of Ayaka City. Shaila is walking to a store by the name of Quattro Minato M.

Entering in, Shaila sees the siblings named as Kastumi, Isami, and Asashi. The three treated Shaila as a guest to the shop, more like a family member since their powers came from O-50 as well.

Asahi have a bunch of candy to Shaila for her to try as the two girls enjoys having a sweet delight while the brothers shows her their crystal collection. Of course Shaila had to show off her fusion card collection to the brothers.

And that is what their life is like in the aftermath of the final battle. It is all just a happily ever after that results in a normal sunny day.

Will there be extra adventures that Kira and Shaila can go to? Only the next chapter will tell what quest they attend, maybe its to meet a new ally or a mission. Whatever it may be, the Ultraix fairies got their wings to fly high to space and beyond.

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