20. Birthday!!

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Few days after the incident, I decided to go to office. I was tired of resting, after all one can rest so much. I needed some change of scenery. I know it feels ironic, I was the one tired of working so much and now that I get an opportunity to rest I want to pass it. To be frank anything is better than having to be around Sandra all the time, it really makes me feel guilt every time I see her. I completed my morning routine on time; I choose to wear black trousers and grey top. I paired my outfit with black heels and a grey handbag. I tied my hair in a bun.

After breakfast with the family I proceeded to go to the office in Alejandro's car

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After breakfast with the family I proceeded to go to the office in Alejandro's car.
I proceeded to broach the subject of moving back to my flat. "Sir I was thinking I have been living with your family for almost a month's time. Its time I go back to my flat, I don't want to be a burden on your family and make them feel uncomfortable around a stranger."

Alejandro had a serious expression and remained silent for a few moments.
"You don't bother us; you are always welcome in our house. My mother feels like you are almost like her daughter and Sandra is really fond of you. In the mansion, you are safe and protected. If you return to your flat your life is at great risk and I cannot afford that. You have saved my life and cannot risk your life at any cost."

He left me with no other option but to change my mind. "Alright, I will stay at your house." I said.
We continued our journey to the office without any further conversation, but before we got out of the car he said "don't be too hard on yourself, I know you have been a lot in such a short time and you were scared of getting too close to a cartel. What's happened happened lets move forward. Can you let it go for me? Please?"

I smiled in agreement and we moved inside to start an eventful day. I was in the flow with my work and it was a regular hectic day, nothing eventful still lot of work.

Out of the blue my phone rang, it was Sandra. The last person I wanted to hear from. I need to move on as Alejandro rightly said. I need to be able to face my fear and guilt.

I picked up the phone and greeted her cheerfully. She seemed really happy and cheerful, when I inquired about the reason behind that, she said "Tomorrow its Alejandro's birthday! and I want to have the best party ever, because it's his 30th birthday! I want you to call in sick and meet me at the same mall we went to last time.." her voice trailed off and there was a moment of silence between us before she spoke up "don't worry, I will be accompanied by 5 of the best commandos at our disposal, so chill".

Around 3 pm I went to Alejandro's cabin and told him I was feeling a little off and headache was going to make my head burst, I wanted to go half-day today.

He understood and requested me to take care and not overwork myself. I hailed a cab to the mall and met Sandra waiting for me at the entrance. I hugged her and we started shopping for perfect gift for her brother. I had already made up my mind; I would go for something within my budget, yet memorable. Although Sandra asked me not to worry about the budget that she could chip in, I flatly refused her. If she stepped in it won't be the same, I want to genuinely gift him something nice all by myself.

The Black Dahlia (Cartel Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now