35. Longing

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I decided to spend some time outside the house taking in the things I had missed over the months. First I walked to the garden, which also doubled up as a poolside; I sat on the white and cushiony poolside table and looked into the pristine waters of the square pool. It was still winter, too early for a dip but soon it will be summertime and then I could lose myself in the coolness of the water.

I was reminded of the days when I was 6 years old and my mother taught me how to swim and we would spend hours every day of the summer, my brother would also accompany us in the shenanigans

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I was reminded of the days when I was 6 years old and my mother taught me how to swim and we would spend hours every day of the summer, my brother would also accompany us in the shenanigans.

I sat there reminiscing the old days, the scenes played in front of my eyes like a movie in 4K definition. Tears came welled up automatically. I walked around to the entrance of my house and looked at its unique square structure.

My father used to tell me stories about how it was my mother’s idea to design it like that, it was really unique. Made with white marbles and the carvings and shapes designed on it took inspiration from Renaissance period.

Everything around the place and most of the interiors was here idea; she was a creative genius a calm and soothing soul, the perfect foil to my ruthless cartel boss dad. These thoughts passed through my head as I walked around.

Walking unmindfully I reached the special fish pond. Generally people have fish bowls or aquariums inside their houses, my mother had an eureka moment and decided to have a big pond shaped like spirals complete with  a wooden dome to sit and enjoy the scene, the exotic plants around increased the aesthetics  of the entire setup.

I entered the house and I walked around observing the intricate and majestic interiors

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I entered the house and I walked around observing the intricate and majestic interiors. With Roman and Greek style designs and items, the dining room was akin to what the ancient Greeks or Romans dined in. Fully carpeted with exotic carpets from world over with matching deep blue curtains the place was both relaxing and regal at the same time.

The living room was more like a Renaissance style area, I felt like walking through pages in history books rather than my own house. The marble floor had fresco like designs stuff seen in the Vatican Church and the roof complete with a beautiful chandelier had ornate patterns crafted by the leading craftsmen. With these lovely thoughts and the sweet memories of my mother and a sense of longing for her I walked up the stairs to my room. I

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