67. Untold Truth

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"What the hell is this?" I roared at Carlos.

"The report that you...."

"Don't remind me about what I asked. I know that very well. Why are there so many mistakes in it?" I yelled.

"It only has one mistake in it, Alejandro. You are overreacting," Carlos said.

Without a second thought, I strode towards him, my steps fueled by the fire of indignation burning within me. In a swift motion, I took hold of his collar, my grip tight and unyielding as I towered over him, my rage boiling just beneath the surface.

"Have you forgotten to respect your leader?" I roared, my voice echoing off the walls with a thunderous intensity. With a final glare, I released his collar and turned away.

"Sorry, Boss. I will make it right." As Carlos uttered his apology and swiftly exited the room, a pang of guilt washed over me. I knew that I had overreacted, allowing my emotions to get the better of me in the heat of the moment. The weight of my recent struggles pressed heavily on my shoulders, leaving me feeling raw and vulnerable.

As I sank into the chair, a heavy sigh escaped my lips, carrying with it the weight of the days that had passed since Gabriella's departure. It had been twelve long days, each one stretching out like an eternity, filled with uncertainty and longing.

But as I reflected on the passing time, a sense of resignation washed over me. What was the point of counting the days? It wasn't as if Gabriella would magically return just because a certain number had passed.

The bitter truth hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over my thoughts.

She left me.

I have never let anyone control my life. Never became so obsessed to someone. But now it's like a addiction. I am addict to her to that extent that I need her in my life to survive. She is like favorite drug that I need to survive.

I took a deep breath and leaned on the chair. I picked up the glass on table and gulped down the rest of the drink. It was 3 in the afternoon and I already want to drown in the alcohol.

As I closed my eyes, memories of Gabriella flooded my mind, each one a precious reminder of the love we shared. I could see her beautiful face, her radiant smile lighting up the darkest corners of my thoughts. Her eyes, filled with warmth and happiness, sparkled like stars in the night sky.

With a heavy heart, I reached for my phone, my fingers tracing familiar patterns as I unlocked the screen. Opening my gallery, I scrolled through the countless photos, each one a testament to the joy we had shared together.

And there it was-the photo from our trip to Italy, a snapshot of a moment frozen in time. In it, Gabriella stood against the backdrop of the breathtaking Amalfi Coast, her hair tousled by the gentle sea breeze, her laughter ringing out like music in the air.

As I gazed at the image, a bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of my lips. It was a reminder of the love and happiness we had experienced together, a beacon of hope in the darkness of my despair.

As I reflected on the memories of our trip to Italy, a flood of emotions washed over me, each one tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia. It had been the best trip of my life, a whirlwind of adventure and romance that had brought Gabriella and me closer than ever before.

In those fleeting moments, amidst the breathtaking beauty of the Amalfi Coast and the charm of ancient cities steeped in history, I had come to realize the depth of my feelings for her. It was there, surrounded by the wonders of Italy, that I had made the decision to make her my life partner, to build a future together filled with love and laughter.

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