46. Shopping (Part 1)

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“What has my life come to?”
I woke up with this existential question. Lately my life has been an utter mess. I just wished I could be my own boss so that I didn’t need to take orders from dictators like Alejandro.

After daydreaming for five minutes, I had to snap back into reality, I couldn’t afford to be late at work.
I was in no mood for another lecture from Alejandro the great. I reluctantly got out of bed and finished my morning routine. I wore a white dress, tied my hair in a bun and wore white heels.

I didn’t have time for breakfast because I wasted that time daydreaming and lazing on the bed. I rushed form my apartment to grab a taxi and reach office as soon as possible.

I had to reach before Alejandro’s arrival at any cost. I got lucky yesterday but that won’t be the case every time. On reaching my floor in the office building the sight waiting for me makes my jaw drop.

Alejandro is seated in his cabin checking his computer screen. I decide to go to my desk instead of reporting to his cabin, hoping in my hearts of hearts that he forgets about this, but that’s not what lady luck had in store for me.

Hardly five minutes had elapsed when the telephone on my table rang.
It was Alejandro and he asked me to report to his office. I obliged, getting his schedule as well.
“Why did you come so early princess?” he asked the moment I stepped foot inside his cabin, sarcasm dripping from his words.

I remained quiet for a few seconds thinking of an appropriate approach and replied “The office timing for all employees is 9am I believe I arrived within that limit”
He smirked and replied “You are not like the others; you are my secretary and you must report at least an hour before me and a leave when I want you to”.

I wanted to break that bastard’s face that very instant, but I decided to bite the bullet and keep my cool, what the hell does he think of himself talking to me like that and treating me like his little slave girl he picked up from the flea market. I think it would be better if I didn’t go home at all and stayed back in office, that way I could avoid this verbal torture every morning.

“Get me a cup of coffee and some breakfast since I didn’t have time to eat breakfast today. Don’t stare into nothingness make it quick!” Alejandro’s voice brought me screeching back to reality and I ran like his little errand girl to get his regular cup of coffee and some breakfast.

I was very well aware that he was acting in this manner to exact revenge from me and I will have to be at my strongest and put up a brave fight.

After giving him his coffee and breakfast, I submitted the printouts of his daily schedule and walked towards my desk to continue with my work.
My first task was to answer all the pending emails. By the time I finish this task its fifteen to go for lunch break. I stretched my arms and relaxed on my chair, when suddenly I noticed the presence of two familiar and welcome faces. They were none other than Mirana and Sandra.

“Whatsup? How was your day so far?” Sandra enquired cheerfully.
“You can ask that question to your brother” I replied sarcastically.
“I guess he is overworking you” Sandra said.

“I don’t mind office work, but he treats me like his slave” I said frustration dripping from every word uttered from my mouth.
“Okay okay now shut down your computer and come with us” she said and did a little dance on the spot to express her excitement.
“I can’t come, your brother will skin me alive” I replied.

I felt really bad playing the party-pooper but I couldn’t risk anything these days with Alejandro.
“I will go talk to him just relax” Sandra assured me and walked towards Alejandro’s cabin.

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