Haha, you're doing so well without me

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jungwon awoke to a feeling of loneliness and emptiness. jay had left, at least his room. he had always remembered waking up to jay sitting in bed waiting for him, but maybe he was in the bathroom. either way, he shouldn't care so much about it.

"Oh hey, won" jay came into his room.

"oh hi" he smiled before getting out of bed.

"your mom said she'd be leaving town for a little... so do you want me to stay with you?"

"Oh... i'm fine on my own but if you're fine with it then yeah, but if i'm inviting you shouldn't i invite the other guys too?" he asked as he slipped on his slipper and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"yeah... i guess you should" he looked away. some days to jungwon, jay seemed ethereal and maybe it was the sleep but today was one of those days.
jungwon texted his friends through their group chat and soon they had all agreed to stay at jungwon's place until his mom came home just because although he wasn't scare, jay niki and sunoo had watched too many crime movies to not be suspicious that maybe someone could kidnap him. maybe they should stop watching stuff like that but who was jungwon to tell them what to do.

"hyung, can you help me set up the living room?" jungwon asked grabbing the inflatable matresses his mother stored in their laindry cabinets.

"sure" jay and jungwon went to the living room and the two began blowing into the matresses because apparently last time they used them, the pump broke and jungwon wasn't notified of it. how irresponsible... he thought as he blew at it.

"this is so hard..." he let out a big sigh as he heaved from blowing into the mattress. "why didn't you guys tell me the pump broke? now it's gonna take so long to blow this"

"maybe you should blow something else" jay said sighed eyeing him to which jungwon rolled his eyes sassily.

"please dont say it, hyung..."

"you should blow m-" then they heard a knock at the door and jungwon stood up quickly and ran/hopped to the door. "that was a good one though..." he sighed as he shook his head.

"wahh!! hyungs you didn't have to bring pies and chips and... what's this?" he said as he was handed over a reusable bag of snacks.
"oh! ice cream! and of course a tiny container of mint choco!" he smiled lwtting them in.

"it was this kid's idea" sunghoon said pointing to sunoo who just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

soon their small yet long sleepover began. what could go wrong with some teens and newly turned adults staying in a house alone?

"so how long did she say this time?" jungwon was closest to jay for as long as their 12 years of knowing each other allowed him to remember. he knew anything and everything that happened in his life. his accidental first kiss. the time a boy gave him candy for white day(to be fair everyone in their friend group knew) but he said that valentine's is just for candy so it was fine. the day he cried because his father and mother were divorcing.

"how long was it last time?" jay asked in response as he fed him a piece of dark chocolate because his father had told him it made people the happiest out of all the chocolates.

"like a business week" he kept chewing on the piece and watched his other 5 friends play around in his yard.

"maybe like two weeks this time"

"i can't just kidnap you guys here for two weeks... i'll stay on my own after saturday" he finally got up and extended his hand toward jay who gladly took it and stood too.

"i can stay-"

"hyung, you need your own life too... plus i'll just be studying, drawing and doing part time jobs. the usual" jay looked a little disappointed and hurt but said nothing.

"whatever you say, just... if you need anything, call me"

"of course" after that they went to play with their friends under the bright and hot sun. it finally felt like summer.


from saturday it had become wednesday. their time together in their week long sleepover felt so short lived. like a movie playing out a montage of the events of the summer.
they went to the park, the mall, the outdoor theater tgat played old movies like stand by me which sunoo, jungwon and niki loved. while sunoo cried because of the end, jungwon and niki were quick to tease but also comfort him.

"what's on your mind?" jay asked him as they in his bed. the rest of the boys said that those two moved too much and kicked them back to jungwon's small room.

"just this week" he lay on his back with his arms behind his head. he stared at the abyss of glow in the dark stars and hearts that jay and his dad had helped him place when he was 7 before dad left.

"it's... pretty right?" jay turned from laying on his back to resting his head on his arm and looking at jungwon. the faded pink and yellow lights that shined in the ceiling made him dizzy so he turned to his side.

he was met with jay's pretty face. he's pretty tonight as well... must be because it's late he told himself and went back to staring at the ceiling.

"jungwon... wanna know something?" jay asked him as he turned back to looking at the glow filled abyss.

"what happened?" it was jungwon's turn to turn on his side.

"i got a girlfriend..." he giggled a bit. jungwon felt... odd? he was happy but it felt odd. how wasn't he able to describe his emotions?

"really? is she nice?" he said turning his body back to laying on its back .

"yeah... daeun from class b1, i liked her for a while" he said as he kept smiling but jungwon couldn't help but pout. he knew he was acting irrationally and knew he needed to be happy for his best friend

"i didn't know you liked daeun sunbaenim" he muttered.

"yeah... we're going on a date to the older theater to watch my girl"

"oh... that's nice! she'll surely cry and end up hugging you... you guys could end up kissing" he didn't even think before speaking even thiugh he usually did but it was late now and he was feeling odd and it was too much work to think.

"actually that's really smart! as always mr.jungwon being a smart cookie" he giggled as he spoke like a primary school teacher.

"hyung, i'd love to talk more about your love life but sadly i think my... i'm too tired to even keep my eyelids open" he yawned in between.

"alright, won. goodnight" he ruffled his hair before turning to the other side.

so sorry for not posting yesterday. i was out with my friends and forgot abt it. anyway i had a good week, it was most fun if you leave out some parts.

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