am i wrong for that?

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love affair

it was a few days after they had gotten home, when they were greeted by their moms who hugged them before offering dinner.
awkward gazes between jungwon and jay went unnoticed by their moms who spoke about their week without their kids.

"so how was it for you?" jungwon's mom asked the two boys.

"well... we hung out at the beach and jake hyung's beach house so it was mostly fun" he gave a small smile reminiscing over the actual they were able to have before.

"yeah... there were unexpected surprises as well. but i think maybe jungwon and i are destined to be roommates because we got the same room again" jay gave a little chuckle before looking at jungwon who was too busy twirling his fork through the spaghetti.

"that sounds nice- oh we have to go... we'll see you later" jay's mom rushed to jungwon's mom and took her by the hand before they left their two kids.

jungwon looked around before going back to stuffing himself with spaghetti.

"you wanna go get some ice cream?" jay asked him suddenly. why was he acting so normal?

"uh sure" he drank from his water before finishing his food and waiting for jay to finish his.

after their lunch, jungwon washed their dishes and jay dried them. the two went to their room before changing. although jungwon felt awkward, he noticed that jay was as normal as ever.

was it all just a dream?

"are you ready?" jay asked him after he was done changing. he looked up to see jay wearing a white shirt with a light blue cardigan over it and corduroy.

"uh yeah" he looked at himself through the mirror jay had on his door. he thought maybe he was wearing too little. a white shirt with a marine blue hoodie on top and black pants. he frowned before he looked back up to see jay staring back at him.

"you look cute today, let's go before our parents scold us for eating ice cream at night" he smiled cheekily as he patted the younger's broad shoulders.
he blushed as he looked at the older through the mirror before he separated himself.

"we should go" he said giving jay a small smile. he knew friends calling each other cute was normal(especially in their friend group) yet it made him ecstatic.
the two left the house quietly before getting into jay's 2 year old car.

"want the aux?"

"sure" jungwon answered and jay handed him the aux to plug into the car.

he grabbed his phone and quickly went to spotify before pressing on shuffle. superficial love  by calica and magdalena bay started playing.

the two drove through the noisy streets of seoul as they listened to jungwon's music.
jungwon watched as the older drove the car, he sung along to umi's love affair.

finally after half an hour they arrived at choi's ice cream shop.
they got out and went straight in, knowing even at 1 in the morning it would be open.

"hello, welcome to choi's- oh, jay and jungwon!" the blond boy had started out with his loveliest costumer service voice before switching to a delighted and surprised voice.

"hey hyung" jungwon waved to him.

"hey kai"

"what brings you to our lovely shop on this fine night?" hueningkai walked to where the ice cream buckets were before leaning on the counter.

"you know, ice cream fixes everything" jay said looking towards jungwon who pretended to be unaware of his gaze.

"oh our two lovebirds! beomgyu hyung! these two need a serving the i know i love you "

"who are you to boss me around? anyway just a serving or for two-" beomgyu playfully glared at hueningkai who giggled.

"you know how it is for a lovesick couple" beomgyu nodded before going to their backroom.

"hyung, we're not a couple-"

"yet..." jay added and jungwon face palmed as he blushed. he loved every second of this but was too embarrassed.


"C'mon i like you, you like me-"

"we'll talk about this later" he said shaking his head as he frowned. by that time hueningkai had gone to help beomgyu to serve the secret menu. he had backed away slowly as soon as jay said yet.
jungwon lead them to a table near the middle of the shop and the two sat in awkward silence.
jungwon rested his head on the palm of his hand as he waited for them to be called. jay stared at him with fondness in his eyes.

after a while, finally, beomgyu called them.

"enjoy your i know i love you , i hope you fix whatever it is that needed this ice cream and have a safe and great night" he handed them over a take out of the ice cream as he smiled with sympathy.

"you as well" the two said in unison before jay grabbed the plastic bag and they left.

the sat in the car in silence before jay began driving to han river park.

"is it really okay to be here at this time?"

"yup. dont worry, wonie" he said as the two exited his car.
he nodded before sitting down on the grass. maybe there could be bugs but it 1 in the morning, who actually cares?
"jungwon, i like you" jay told him as he fed him a spoon of ice cream. jungwon's eyes widened as he fought with himself not to cough out all the ice cream.


"i like you" he repeated before stuffing his face with ice cream.

"hyung, you have a girlfriend"

"i dont, though"


"we broke up after the trip, i realized i didn't actually like her but liked you" he smiled a bit. jungwon hugged his knees as he looked at the sky.

"then what happens now? we like each other but what is the next step?" he was inexperienced in relationships so he asked the guy who had multiple girlfriends during middle school and high school.

"we take it slow... i did the mistake of taking things fast before but really if we actually like each other we should take things at our pace"

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