should we run away? we gotta be together to get to the hidden 9 ¾

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run away(9¾)


"mrs. park" the two looked shocked and scared.

"what is this?" she heaved out heavily as her brows became arrows as they furrowed.

"mrs. park, we can explain-"

"yeah, we like each other, and that's all you should know" jay said point blank.

"look mrs. park, we can stop seeing each ither if you'd-"

"jungwonie, why would there be a need to stop seeing each other?" she asked.

"huh?" they exclaimed together.

"kids, there's no way we wouldn't have noticed your uhh connection, so dont worry im not mean and i wont judge... you two like each other so go ahead"

"really but i thought you were homophobic" jay asked confused at his mother's words.

"yeah i used to be but i realized that if men like men or women like women or a man likes both or a woman likes both, just because im woman and i like men it doesn't mean they obligated to be like me" she smiled a bit sadly.

"oh... so we can be together?" jay said pointing to jungwon and himself.

"of course, you're young enjoy your love and youth" she smiled before she left the two.

"i thought we were gonna have to elope"

"wait you would do that for me?"

"yeah, i mean it's not like we havent talked about it before" he shrugged pouting his lips a little.

"that's different becausse that's when we were kids"

"but i would still do it"


"I've stayed pretty much the same" he shrugged.

"sure... i guess" the two went onto laying on the bed next to each other. they basked in the silence they had.

"can we kiss?" jungwon asked him sheepishly.

"oh... yeH" jay's voice cracked a bit when he talked out of embarrassment but he turned to the younger boy either way.
as they got closer, the heat of their faces got higher until finally jungwon closed their kiss.

they didn't kiss for long but also not for short amount of time. it was a perfect amount of time for the two who only shyly smiled after their kiss.

"was i your first kiss?" jay asked him as he looked at him.

"yup... who was yours?"

"you, actually"

"but, daeun and all the other girls?"

"well i never kissed them since i wanted to save it for the right person... they were nice girls but something wouldn't let me kiss them" he said shrugging.

"so that explains why i never saw you guys doing that type of pda..."

"were you ever jealous?"

"a little most of the time but you know daeun sunbaenim was the one who bothered me the most"


"it's not your fault though"

after a while of their endless conversation about anything and everything the two fell asleep quickly.


they woke up early the next morning, jungwon the first to wake up. he took some of his time to look at jay's pretty face

"am i that pretty to look at?" jay said shutting his eyes once more before he smiled at the younger boy.

"yeah, my pretty boy" suddenly he felt confident and gooey. gooey in the way that although he wouldn't love bomb jay, he would give him compliments randomly and maybe shoot finger hearts at him.

"why are you so cute?" he squished jungwon's cheeks. it was one of those gooey days for the two.
"what is today's plan?"

"spend a lifetime together"

"i said today"

"oh, then spend it together"

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