dont wanna be fool, wanna be cool

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jungwon woke up on friday to a knock on his door. he got up and ran his hand through his hair. he quickly got into his white thin slippers and ran to the door.

"oh, mom... you're back" he opened the door wider to let her in. he felt a bit empty because he hadn't seen most of his friends all week but maybe his mom would make him feel better.

"how were your weeks alone?" she asked him as she sat on their brown couch which he had just cleaned the previous day.

"they were alright..." he went to kitchen and got her a cup of water before handing it to her.

"oh thank you" she smiled taking the cup and taking a drink of it.

the day began like that for jungwon but he still had to study and attend tutoring classes for the next school year. then later he had to work at the convenience store.

"jungwon your cousin is here" his mother said after knocking on his bedroom door.

"jeongin hyung? what brings you here?" he asked when jeongin entered his room.

"wonyoungie said you're having problems with yourse- friend"

"oh yeah... jay hyung" the two sat on his bed.

"so you wanna tell me?" wonyoung and jeongin were always his older sibling figures. he wasn't the youngest in his mother's family's side but he was still their favorite.

"well... i feel odd after he told he has a girlfriend but i dont know why and i keep unconsciously avoiding him"

"wow okay- that's so vague... can you explain more"

"jay hyung and my other friends stayed over when mom was gone and he told he had a girlfriend one night before went to bed and now every time i see her im annoyed and i feel odd around him"

"baby cousin, you're suffering of being comphet"

"what i know i like boys and girls but what does this have to do with jay?"

"right- wrong cousin. anyway i think really this is something to figure out on your own... being a teen is difficult and this is coming from one but there's just someone who will help you through this stage in life. for some of us, they may be the most annoying person to exist but they end up being something more to us than just our friend or companion"

"like seungmin hyung?" he said in a teasing tone.

"yeah... but we have to really think about it"

"so you think jay's my companion?"

"yes... in a way you just need to figure out the rest of it"

"rest of what?"

"you'll know when you do" he shrugged standing up and starting to leave.

"hyung, you cant just leave me on a cliff hanger"

"i can and just did" he winked when he left and jungwon fell onto his bed in frustration.

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