just let me be sad and lonely

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crush culture
♪conan gray♪

the week had passed and his dear friends had gone back home. it was a bright sunny monday in which he had to wake up early to get to work at the stationery store for the 3rd year in a row. he put on something cute (something that his sunghoon and sunoo hyung had bought him as a random present... it might have been to embarrass him but also make their boyfriends jealous because they bought it together because the young store owner had said it was part of the job. pastel and warm toned was the theme that they followed.
he got dressed quickly, ate some yogurt before leaving for work at 10 am.

"oh! jungwon!" he saw jay and his new girlfriend walk towards him. he instantly regretted getting out of his home. he didn't hate him, he just felt odd.

"oh... jay hyung, daeun sunbaenim" he bowed because of her.

"just call me noona" it reminded him of when his father's new wife told him to call him mom.

"Oh right, noona" he was trying. trying to please both of them.
"oh- i need to get to my job, so i'll see you some other time" he bowed quickly after looking at his phone that said 10:30 am before leaving behind daeun and jay who just waved at him.
he still needed half an hour until his shift started but he didn't want to feel so uncomfortable in his own neighborhood. he walked to the shop chuu! chuu! kiss! where he had been hired to work at since he was around 13 or 14. the owner of the shop, jiwoo who also went by. chuu was very nice and got along with sunoo well.

"you're here early, jungwonnie" she said as he entered and bowed a little before entering the backroom.

"i had to get away from a couple" he shivered as he said it.

"was it jay and his girlfriend?"

"yeah, how did you know?" he started putting on the pink apron that had his name sewed on.

"a little birdie told me" she winked at him cutely. he only shook his head giggling a little.

"was it yeojin noona or maybe sooyoung noona?!" he asked excitedly.

"it was sooyoung noona! hey! hey!"

"yeah!? yeah?!" he responded imitating her cute actions of soft yelling when she was excited.

"guess who got herself a girlfriend?"

"why of course the queen of kisses, miss chuu!" he smiled as he said that cheesy line.

"Yup! It's Sooyoungie"

"wow! finally after a decade of pining! about time" he teased her with his side eye.

"yeah yeah... i'm not the only one in need of a girlfriend am i?"

"no, you don't need one anymore, you have sooyoung noona" he smiled finally going behind the counter with jiwoo.

"you are the one who needs someone!" she said pointing at him in a teasing way.

"oh come on! let me focus on my future first" he shook his head. it seemed people kept finding their someone, except him. sunoo had niki. heeseung, jake and sunghoon had their thing. jay[sadly] had daeun.

"just try one date"

"nope, not for me"

"whatever you say, wonie"

"is there new inventory?" he askes going into the backroom.

"yup, new stickers" he nodded and began to get to work.

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