mil rosas

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♪la oreja de van gogh♪

the two held hands through the ride until the next truck stop with jungwon giving jay directions.

"you know... i really love this" jay said rubbing his finger on jungwon's soft hand he held.

"you love what?" jungwon's heart sped up. dont overthink his words, won...

"us... i mean- our friendship, i mean" he finally finished his sentence which although jungwom saw it coming still disappointed his heart.

"ohh... yeah, i like it too" he muttered.

"we should start hanging out again" he said quietly as the two listened to the song in the background. jungwon nodded before speaking.

"yeah... i have all the time if you ever feel like hanging out"

"i know, im sorry for not making time"

"it's fine, i get it... you have a girlfriend who also needs attention maybe even more" he shrugged in understanding even though his heart ached. he was being honest when he said that but not too honest. he didn't understand and his heart yearned for the love and attention of his best friend.

"i know..." the car went back to only the music that came from the car speakers and the busy road.


after hours of travelling, several pit stops and driver exchanges, they arrived at the busan beach, songjeong beach. the 7 boys left the dark teal van before following jake who jogged to a small simple beach house.

"this house is too small to be a resort house" jay pointed out because he know resorts too well.

"yeah it's my parent's" jake said grabbing a key from his keychain and opening the door to the house.
"make yourselves at home!" he said smiling and welcoming them into the house that looked like they hadn't gone into it for a few years.

"since when do you have this?" they looked around with their bags in hand to see there were 3 rooms.

"since like i was 7th... my parents bought back when we thought we'd come to songjeong beach often but dad's business got busier" he shrugged and lead them into each room.
"so obviously the couples will be together for comforts sake, just dont go overboard" jake said looking at sunoo and niki in a serious manner.
"i dont want to be an uncle yet" he said making the boys apart from sunoo and niki laugh while the two boys looked around embarrassed.

"come on hyung, you know we're still... young" sunoo covered his blushing face.

"yeah yeah whatever and so that leaves jay and jungwon rooming! oh- by the way there's only one bed so sort yourselves out" he smiled and looked at jungwon who had forgotten to tell them that they already slept on the same bed every night.

"oh, that's cool we actually share a bed" jay said and jungwon looked away from them awkwardly.

"oh then you're all set... sunoo and niki get my room which is that one and heeseung hyung sunghoon and i get my parents so you two get my older brother's" he said and the rest nodded before going to their bedrooms for the weekend.

"i guess, i should've expected to be stuck with you because we have lovers with us" jungwon said dropping his bag by the door of their room.

"yeah..." it was 5 in the morning when they got to the beach so after changing they went to sleep.
they said goodnight before sleeping.


jungwon woke up at 7 am to the rising sun so he decided to go watch the sunrise.
he quietly got out of bed, running a hand through his hair before getting into his slippers and walking outside. the sun hit his skin lightly and he bathed in the sunlight.

with closed eyes, he took in the morning in songjeong beach before he felt hands wrap around his body.

"hyung? niki?" he said opening his before looking back to see jay. he felt himself getting hot.

"wanna go on a walk?" he asked the younger boy who just nodded.
they walked taking in the sun and win that hit them. although the sun would start to be covered by the clouds that began show. they didn't look like rain clouds so they paid little attention to them.

"i missed being with you" jay suddenly confessed. jungwon looked at him, his face becoming even more flushed.

"but we live in the same room, we see each other everyday" he responded not wanting to admit that he too missed him.

"yeah but being a boyfriend might have taken too much of my time"

"a little" he said showing his fingers making a little sign as he gave a little giggle.

"but now we're back here" jay said as the sky started crying at his beautiful words.

"yeah" they came upon a patch of roses. who knew who put them there. next to it was a hammock. jay grabbed a rose before putting it behind jungwon's ear.

jungwon felt his heart beat.



jungwon grabbed a rose and stuck it behind jay's ear gently. the two looked at each other fondly. a hint of red in both of their faces.

they walked to the hammock and sat inside of it, their legs tangling.

"i waited so long but..." jungwon started saying before he felt all warm and tingly inside.

"what is it?" jay asked taking the younger's hand.

"you might not understand but.. i think i fell in love but it's hard to explain it to you " he was trying so hard to gather his courage but a little devil in his head told him that jay already loved daeun. maybe jay would get his riddle.

"just try expressing yourself... who is it?" he asked making circles with his hand on jungwon's palm.

"that's the catch... i cant" he ended his sentence in gloom.

"why not?"

"because... i think they probably would know if you know" he was trying to get excuses from anywhere but found none.

"oh... but i know how to keep secrets"

"he's not gay" he finally said.


"i like a boy and he doesn't like boys in fact he has a girlfriend who gets on my nerves every time even though she's as polite and kind as he is and i just cant call her noona like as if she were my older sister or someone im comfortable with it's so annoying when i know to anyone who isn't stupidly in love with him wouldn't be mad" he said quickly not even noticing he said too much.


"nothing... it's nothing, i should just get over this. it's probably just hormones finally getting to me"


"really we should just get back to our room and go to sleep" he took off the rose in his hair and left it on the hammock as he walked away from jay. jay was left in utter confusion.

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