i shoulda stayed at home

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best friend
♪rex orange county♪

they walked to jungwon's home from the convenience store.

"wonie, why have you been avoiding me?" jungwon was caught off guard i shouldve stayed at home... he thought as they turned to the apartments were he lived.

"what do you mean?" what was he supposed to answer? because you have a girlfriend and i feel weird about it? no, of course not!

"you know, you used to call me all the time and find ways to talk to me and would even be late to things so we could keep talking and now you do the opposite... you rarely call me, you find ways too not talk to me and now you leave when in fact you have half an hour left before work" he sighed knowing it was very true but he didn't want to answer.

"i have to start focusing more on work and studying and you know maybe i'll start providing for mom and i during university too so i need to start saving up-"

"wonie, you still have one more year"

"one more year that will go by fast and then next thing you know i'll have to drop out just because i couldn't make enough money"

"jungwon, please calm down... nothing bad will happen. you wont need to drop out or anything"
they were finally at jungwon's doorstep. it was late now and his mother went to sleep early.
they entered quietly before going in jungwons room and grabbing his pj's and a change of clothes for the next day.
he grabbed his toothbrush and towel as well before they left.

"jungwon... you dont need to overwork yourself" jay told him as the two started walking towards the bus stop.

"im not overworking yourself" that was a total lie. the only reason he only worked two hours at the convenience store that day was because he didn't want to keep jay hanging too long. he usually worked overtime as well. if his chuu noona allowed him, it would be the same with her shop.

"i know you only worked 2 hours not to make me worried" he said as they got on the bus that had finally came to them.

"i always work two hours"

"stop lying, we've been friends for years! i know when you lie"

"well whatever, so what if i overwork" he shook his head.
he didn't need anyone tonwatch over how he worked when he needed money to get into college and get through his senior year.

"asking for help isn't bad at all. i can help, your mom can help. i bet even mr. yang can help"

"dad has his business and cant be helping some 17 year old. we already talked about this"  he clicked the button that signified their stop and the two got off.

"then let your mom do the work?"

"mom's work doesn't pay as much"

"then let my family help you"

"that would be using you and your family. i cant just take money from you"

"for how long have our families been friends?"

"i dont remember" he looked away flustered as they walked to jay's house.

"since literally forever... i dont think it would be too much to let us pay for your tuition or even live with us"

"jay hyung, my mom doesnt like to intrude on other' s living spaces and neither do i.   so let's end this conversation" finally they entered jay's house.


"honey, we're moving" was the first thing he heard from his mother on the friday following his stay with jay. he entered their kitchen confused.

"what? why?  where?" he sat down and his mother handed him a cup of coffee.

"well you know neither of our jobs pay enough for us to keep renting apartments or buy a house here in seoul"

"are we moving out of seoul?"

"no, uhm actually jay's father called and asked if we wanted to live with them and i said yes"


"wonie, i know that neither of us likes to get help from other people but we need the help... you need to be able to finish high school here which might get you a scholarship to a decent or maybe even great university"

"i can just work more hours"

"jungwon, you're 17. You're supposed to be out having fun with your friends not cooped up in a convenience store for over 2 hours"

"I only work two hours" he started blinking too much.

"there you go blinking, jungwon you come home at 2 am, you work more than you should"


"end of conversation and when we're settled you will only work the two hours and that's it"

"fine..." he pouted as he looked away annoyed. he felt like he could never help. so helpless.
he went to his room and looked around at the room that he had built upon for the past decade. his own room he had finally but now he'd probably have to share with his mom again. he loved his mother of course but... he was a teen now and teens need their space.

"oh- you'll be sharing rooms with your jay hyung so dont take any furniture, we're selling it. actually we're just talking your desk and bedside table" he was utterly surprised by his mother's words.

he'd rather share with his mom.

he started picking eveey piece of clothing he had and packed it into his two suitcases. he grabbed his shoes 5 pairs of shoes he had and put them in a duffel bag.
he was thankful to not really care about clothing so that he didn't have the need for more than 2 suitcases.
he also put all of his school supplies into his bagpack. in that bagpack he grabbed a folder and put in every polaroid and photo or memory that he had decorated his room with. he then put back the folder and he was done.
his whole life was now summed into 2 suitcases, a duffel bag and his bright blue bagpack

hey besties 😙✌
anyway im alive after a month of in person school yk just living the life as it is. i dont stress out easily so even as an 8th grader and an honors kid im fine. kinda struggling with algebra but im cool. Also be sure to subscribe to my channel sungsung on yt because i will be trying my best to upload vlogs and covers. Also today was election day for student council and my friend was running for vice prez so i helped him campaign and part of that was passing out stickers. So he was kinda like just give it to anyone. I ended up just sticking it on my classmates stuff. Like there was a girl sitting next to me who i know because of another friend but we aren't friends so i just stuck it on her laptop. Then in algebra i sit next to a guy who basically never talks but i know his voice and everything and he has friends so i just half stuck it on his pencil case when he wasn't looking or at least i thought he wasn't. He did look and then his friend asked for one too and i felt so awkward cuz im actually very shy even though i love people but they scare me so im shy. He was like yeah im voting for ____ and im like oh yeah cool. It was awkward.

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