come here babe there's nothing to fear

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♪nct dream♪

jungwon had asked his mother and jay's to go on the trip to which he got permission. as he stood outside the house, holding his backpack and jay's which his mother had packed he felt very nervous.
his head thought of every bad scenario that could be thought up. what if today he would bring daeun over? what if daeun suddenly called and wanted to go too?

"jungwon, what are you doing outside? why are you holding my trip bagpack?" wasn't it obvious?

"wait here with me"

the two stood in silence only taking in the night breeze. the younger boy's heart pounded loudly as he felt his cheeks flush. nowadays, being in love he had the tendency of spacing out as he thought of any scenario that involved his dear hyung.

"so... did you find a girlfriend?"

"uhh no... i decided to wait because im a bit..." he sat criss cross on the cement floor waiting patiently.

"oh... so then would you be up for a double date with daeun's friend?" maybe not just hinting at it worked.

"i actually like boys..."

"oh-" the two blushed coyly. jungwon couldn't help but smile at jay's awkwardness.



"hello?" jungwon picked up the phone to hear sunoo on the other side.

"ayeee we're almost at your place" he heard sunoo struggling.

"cool... but are you okay?"

"yep just this kid being a nuisance" he heard shoving and smiled knowingly.

"ohhh okay... so you'll be here soon then?"

"yeah just wait a bit- huh? Oh- heeseung hyung says to try to hint at you liking jay"

"ive tried but you know... it's fine ill figure it out on my own thanks though"

"alright then see you in a bit" he said before he ended the call.

"what happened?" jay asked as he sat beside him. maybe a little too close for jungwon's heart.

"oh nothing" he waved off the question with a smile.

"oh... okay" he wasn't trying to be distant but finding the right words for anything was getting harder.

the two continued waiting in the silence of the busy seoul city night. the silence was comfortable between them. to jungwon the feeling of just being beside him was enough to make him feel happy.
a feeling of first love one only gets once in a life time.

the kind of emotion to get you jumping up on your bed even when you're so tired. get you to try your hardest for their attention.

"how did you... find out you were?" jay suddenly broke the silence and looked at jungwon.

"you know... there's someone" he said bluntly.


"you know him well but dont assume too much" he smiled.

"oh... will you tell him?"

"i would love to but he has someone already, you get me"

"yeah... you know maybe a love letter-"

"i dont even know if he is into boys but it's fine" he shrugged sadly. talking to his crush about his crush was so ironic to him.

"he might be-"



"they're here, come on" jungwon stood up and dusted himself before helping jay up. he held his hand as he lead him to the dark green van. from the inside niki opened it and let them in. since they were the last, they went at the back alone. heeseung was the driver while jake was in the copilot seat after winning a game of rock paper scissors. then it was sunghoon, sunoo and niki and last jay and jungwon.

"c'mon, lovebirds, are you ready?" jake asked before making a face of surprise at himself and hitting himself softly.

"what'd he say?" jay asked jungwon who was blushing furiously. he hadn't heard because he was too busy buckling himself in.

"oh- uhh he was talking to sunki" he said looking away from jay.


"paper scissors rock for the aux?" heeseung asked trying to make things less awkward.


they say the one who suggests the game for the loser to have to do something always lose well in this case, the one who suggested the game won.

"since it's late and yall need sleep ill put some calm jams, goodnight kiddos" he said looking through the rearview mirror seeing the guys starting to lay on anything in their surrounding for support to sleep.

"put your head on my shoulder" jay told jungwon and so with his beating heart, jungwon laid his head on jay's shoulder.

the two fell asleep to the sound of offonoff's overthinking.


they had stopped at a truck stop and the two awoke from the ruckus of heeseung and sunghoon arguing over who would drive.

"let me drive" jay told the two.

"then if you're gonna drive, you should have jungwon as the copilot because you know... you two like trust each other the most so he can help you" sunoo pointed out and jungwon knew sunoo just took the opportunity.

"alright, come on won" jay said grabbing jungwon's hand and leading himself and jungwon out of the truck to switch places with jake and heeseung.

jungwon sat on the copilot seat with his tired eyes looking ahead. he lightly slapped himself awake and watched as jay buckled himself in before asking jake and heeseung if they were ready.

"then let's hit the road and you guys can go back to sleep" he said excited and started the van up again.

the road in the comfort of heeseung's playlist.

"can i hold your hand?" jay asked jungwon who had been busy trying to find the directions of the beach in busan.

"oh... yeah" he gave him his hand and they intertwined. the two had a slight blush on their face and they knew it wasn't because of the cold of the night.

at least for jungwon it wasn't.

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