there aint nobody like you

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♪ryan beatty♪

jungwon sat at the desk the following week after moving into jay's room. he was stressed. he was trying to study english for his english class. on a normal day he'd call sunoo or jake, jay or heeseung for help or just to have a study buddy but it was summer. none of his friends would be studying.

when he thought about it he realized he was lonely, actually. jay was with daeun. sunoo and niki were probably on a date. heeseung, sunghoon and jake were probably also on one of their dates or just at their shared home like always.
he felt himself sink on the chair. what's wrong?

"wonie, someone is at the door for you" yuri, jay's mom, came into the room and told him. he nodded before getting up.

"oh, thank you" he said and yuri made way for him to pass. he walked downstairs calmly to the door and saw heeseung.
he was wrong, heeseung was at his house.
"hyung? hi"

"hey... wanna go out today? jake and sunghoon said they had work or something" he laughed a little.

"sure, is it their day together today?" the thing about a three-way relationship is sometimes even if everyone loves each other equally, two might want days to themselves and heejakehoon understood that. they would have dates by in pairs the other would have the day to themselves in a healthy manner.

"yeah, i guess... ill take jake to myself next week hehe"

"dont you feel left out?"

"not at all... i kinda just take it as a self care day or like to catch up with other people, sometimes being with them 24/7 is time consuming ya know?"


"so how's jay as a roommate" the two walked along the sidewalk.

"he has daeun sunbaenim so it's kinda just lonely up there" he shrugged.

"hmm, i would've thought that he would be cooped up with you" he gave him a lopsided frown.

"nah, he's too caught up with daeun to even bat an eye at me"

"understandable, they're a new couple... they feel the need to be together all day every day" jungwon nodded pretending to understand when really he didn't but he realized it was because he'd only ever had a girlfriend in kindergarten.

"it's fine though cuz i get the room to myself" he smiled

"how's studying?"

"i get to study more now since mom said not do overtime and reduced my working time to only 2 hours a day" he made frowny face.

"really? so is it difficult?"

"a bit... i only have last year's textbooks so it's repetitive" heeseung nodded as he listened to the younger's thoughts. "i kinda just write down the important parts but maybe i might stop"

"why?" throughout the years he'd known jungwon, heeseung always saw him studying whenever he had the time.

"i realized i have no life experience" he looked at him and shrugged. with their hands in their pockets they kept walking until they came to a convenience store.

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