when i fall in love

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cuando me enamoro
♪enrique iglesias♪

as he layed on his bed, jungwon stared at the ceiling only to close his eyes in frustration. there was absolutely no way he liked jay. his dear friend for years. how could he like him?

"wonie, you're not studying?" speak of the devil. jay entered the room with his shoes in hand and dropped them next to the door.

"nope... im gonna stop for the rest of the summer" he said as he tucked his arms behind his head with his eyes still closed.

"how come?" he started changing into his night clothes.

"y'know i need to start living like a normal 17 year old... girlfriends, first kisses, the whole shebang" he looked at jay for a second who his shirt was off as he looked into the closet. jungwon felt his cheeks heat up.

"yeah? you like someone?" he glanced at jungwon who had just shut his eyes.

"i don't really know"

"then how ya gonna get a girlfriend?"

"well... i know a few girls from school, we could hang out" he really didn't think this through.

"i would say, dont force it" jay finally finished and got into bed. he layed next to jungwon, looking into the ceiling.

"so did you like daeun sunbaenim before you started dating?"

"actually... i dont really know?" jungwon opened his eyes in suprised.

"huh?" jay turned to look at him.

"well... i wanted to get someone off my mind, dont ask"

"oh..." maybe im doing the same

"yeah. that's why im telling you, dont force it" jungwon finally turned to look at jay only to his surprised, jay was looking back at him.
he thanked the universe and whatever higher entity existed for the room being dark.

if not jay would've seen jungwon's flustered face and his blushing cheeks.


"you were right, hyung"

"not even a hello?" heeseung asked in confusion.

"it's urgent" he responded is it really, though? he questioned himself.

"did your mother die? did you murder anyone?" what's happening, heedeungie hyung? he heard sunghoon in the background. he also heard the shuffling around as he sat on the balcony floor looking into the 5am sky. jay was still asleep like any normal teen during summer but jungwon couldn't sleep.

too many thoughts.

"i do like jay"

"you're on speaker by the way but of course you like him. he's your friend" he heard jake say close to the phone and he sighed as he closed his eyes scrunching his nose. great, maybe i should have said i murdered someone.

"no, i mean like like like "

silence ensued.

"OHHH" sunghoon and jake exclaimed in surprised and he took the phone off his ear until he heard silence.

"well.. what do you want to do?" heeseung asked him.

"i dont know... what should i do? he's dating daeun"

"maybe a roadtrip would make him realize he's in love with you~" jake suggested and jungwon could already picture him shrugging his shoulders and holding his hands up with a bready smile. (a/n: look up kpop bread smile on google or almighty loaf meme or just bread jaehyun juseyo)

"he's not in love with me but a roadtrip sounds nice" he smiled as he realized maybe after watching so many teen coming of age movies, he'd manifested love AND a roadtrip.

"we'll plan it with ddeonu and make it a surprise for jay and niki" sunghoon said smiling.

"sure, sure- wait what if he wants to take his girl" jungwon said hugging his knees closer to him with his free hand. he suddenly felt like screaming into the abyss of unrequited love feelings.

"we'll say it's a guys only trip" heeseung suggested to make the youngest among them detress a bit.

"alright... i dont wanna suffer another ten minutes with daeun"

"oh- informal talk" jake chuckled a bit.

"ah, i wasn't trying to be disrespectful... just she annoys me" he whispered it a bit.

"why are we whispering?" sunghoon asked starting to whisper as well.

"jay is asleep and even if he wasn't i dont want him to hear me" he looked around still hugging his knees. all that could be heard apart from their voices were the rustling leaves on the trees in their garden and the wind.


"yupp" he sighed.

"well im afraid, jungwon we can keep planning tomorrow but right now it's 6 in the morning and i have a yearly check up today at 10 am so it's time for sleepy sleep" heeseung said as he yawned.

"oh, okay goodnight hyungs... dont contact for 2 business days, i havent pulled an all nighter since 8th grade" he yawned loudly.

"ugh to be you anyway go to sleep we love you goodnight" jake told him before ending the call. is he my father, haha
he got up and tucked his phone is his sweatpants large side pockets.
he quietly opened the balcony's sliding door and went inside the dark spacious room he now called his own. it was 6 in the morning yet he felt as nervous as a student during their finals and his heart wouldn't stop racing.

could he die?

no... right?

he tucked himself back into the right side of the bed far from jay. he was thankful jay wasn't like niki who would use anyone (especially his boyfriend, sunoo) as a human teddy bear and instead kept to his own. he quickly fell asleep after imagining a date with mr. park jonseong.

sorry for posting late, i got caught up in the moment yesterday and forgot. anyway i think i might confess to my crush sometime in october. i just keep thinking about him and he keeps appearing in my dreams. i think this might be my first love idk.

double take ೃ⁀➷ jaywonWhere stories live. Discover now