you're my vice, you're my muse

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double take

it was the last friday of summer. their summer was summed up by a simple song.

double take.

they listened to the song after niki had danced to it. the song gave person in love. niki said he was reminded of jay and jungwon after he had searched up the lyrics.

"it's really like your love story" he said taking a drink of his latte while the others drank boba.

"no, but he has a point" sunoo agreed smiling as he patted the younger's head.

"you guys fell in love in the summer, you've gone out to look at murals and the stars and all that and also jay hyung had a girlfriend before  you got together. a girlfriend which jungwon hyung said he was happy for you but in reality he was a jealous cat" niki explained dipping his fries into the latte.

"okay actually, hyung, he's got a point"

"alright fine, we came out of a song" jay rolled his eyes playfully.
"where are heejakehoon anyway?"

"they said they'd be late, jake hyung forgot to do something and now it messed them all up" sunoo explained dipping fries in niki's latte. niki frowned at this.

"explains a lot" jay nodded.

since it was their last day together before they returned to school, they decided to spend the day together. this was of course decided after they had all finished their preparations for back to school.

"how are you feeling?" jay asked jungwon in a whispering tone.

"just a bit sore" jungwon looked away blushing.

"don't be embarrassed, it's normal" jay told him giggling.

"i know, im just a bit shy"
jungwon responded. maybe it wasn't that he was shy per say. they had already seen each other's body countless of times but the fact was that he felt a bit ashamed. he was a little ashamed they had done it even though they weren't together officially.


it had been a while since heeseung, jake and sunghoon had arrived. it wasn't awkward at all between any of them, it was a bit sad since they'd have many more priorities now that 5 of them would be in university and 2 in their senior year.

"isn't it a bit sad that we might not be able to hang much anymore?" heeseung asked pouting.

"yeah, but we'll probably hang out during our breaks" jungwon pointed out. the group finished up their lunch at the café and got into their cars.
"where are we going, hyung?" jungwon asked jay as they started driving behind heeseung's car.

"somewhere over the rainbow, according to heeseung hyung" jay shrugged. in his car sat himself, jungwon, sunoo and niki while in the other car were heeseung, jake and sunghoon.

heeseung was the one to plan out their last friday and none of them- not even his boyfriends- knew where it was.

after a while of driving, they got to a hill, there was where they stopped.
as they all got out, it felt refreshing. it was refreshing to be away from society.

"i brought you here so we could watch the summer sunset together one last time" by now it was already 4:00 in the afternoon. the boys looked around in awe.

"wahhh thank you so much heeddeung hyung!" sunoo said hugging heeseung tightly.

"it's ny pleasure... i like seeing you guys happy"

"oh my heart, hyung" jake said closing his eyes as if he were getting a heart attack.

"i dont know if you guys feel the same or it's just cuz of my family leaving after i came out but i really really adore and love you guys like a second family" heeseung said as he placed a blanket on the hill.

"i do too, hyung..." sunghoon said helping him fetch the picnic basket from the truck.
although his family hadn't abandoned him or anything, since he worked on university and his skating career most of the time, he wasn't as close anymore. even with yeji he had become a bit disconnected.

"i think we all do... you guys have practically raised sunoo hyung, riki and i so i think it's pretty normal that we think of each other as family... and for that i love you all so much" he touched his red ears.

"dont be embarrassed about it" jake told him giggling a bit.

for the rest of the day, they spent it on their at the hill. they enjoyed the summer breeze and had their picnic with the food and desserts heeseung had prepared.
surprisingly, he had even prepared a camping set which they set up on the hill.

it was a few hours after they had all but two fallen asleep when jungwon got up to watch the moon and stars.

"wonie, what are you doing up?" jay asked rubbing his eyes.

"oh... i couldn't sleep. why are you up?"

"i actually prepared something for you" jay said getting out a small box.

"hyung, i cant marry you-" he got quiet giggles from jay before he interrupted him.

"you cant, yet. but you could be my boyfriend" he carefullty took two bracelets out. there were two cat bracelets, one was black and the other was white.

"these are so pretty"

"jungwonie, will you be my boyfriend?" jungwon was still in awe at the bracelets.

"will i get the white one if I say yes?"


"okay, the cat convinced me" he giggled at himself and so did jay. he proceeded to put the bracelet on jungwon before jungwon put the black cat bracelet on his.

"thank you for being with me" jay hugged him tightly. the two enjoyed their moment before going back to sleep after watching the stars again.





i was talking to my friend about his crush and i asked him if he confessed and he said yes. i asked him how and he said he told her he liked her and also gave her a gift. the gift was a black cat bracelet and he had the counterpart which was the white cat. i got the idea for the proposal from my friend. honestly this took so long to write and usually i dont write angsty stuff but because i felt stressed about my own former relationship/lover, i ended up relying on writing as a way to let it out. this contributed to the first 15 chapters of "double take" however now, i feel much lighter. i do like two boys though which kinda sucks because i dont know which to pick and i found out i get jealous so easily, it's not even funny anymore. also that was my only relationship and it was during quarantine:(

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