i miss my berry

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♪sunwoo, tbz♪

jungwon sat up in bed, ruffling his bedhead and finally after some minutes grabbed his phone on the nightstand. he sighed when he saw a missed call from sunoo.
he stood up and walked out of the room, unknowingly leaving jay in bed alone. he went to the kitchen where he served himself a glass of water before drinking it.

"hyung, why did you call me?" he asked when sunoo answered his call.

"oh, heeseung hyung wanted us to meet up at his place so we could plan something" jungwon walked out into the park's garden.

"at what time?"

"he said for both of us to come when niki and jay hyung weren't clinging to us"

"then i can come at anytime" jungwon said sittiing on the cement bench.

"nice but how do i get niki to go somewhere else?"

"i dont know... I'll tell jay that niki had something to buy for you and so he wanted to go to the mall with him and you tell niki the same but with daeun sunbaenim's name" jungwon explained quickly enough for sunoo to understand.

"oh! of course, as expected our genius jungwonie!"


"brb" he heard sunoo drop his phone and go to niki. he heard him telling him and heard him say for niki to go at 2 pm.
He texted jay the mall meetup with niki and the time before sunoo came back.
"wahh im back!" sunoo yelled into the phone causing jungwon to further it from his ear.

"so at 2? we should text the groupchat"

"with just the hyungs, except jay"


"okay! then ill go now, byebye"

"bye hyung" he said before sunoo ended the call just in time. he heard the sound of footsteps. after many nights of sneaking off into the balcony or the garden just to think without jay by his side, he had learned the difference in footsteps.
these were jay's.

"what are you up to?" he heard the older ask as he approached.

"just enjoying the summer breeze" he said as he closes his eyes, tilting his head towards the sky and felt the winde hit his soft skin.

"oh... did you sleep well?" he always asked this so this was normal to jungwon. a conversation they seemed to have everyday.

"yup... just great" he finally opened his eyes to see jay beside him.

"so, dont you have work to go to?" it was 1 pm now and jungwon was at work by now.

"i quit." he said naturally as he looked forward at the apple trees which were blossoming.


"i quit... im a teen afterall i should be able to not work"

"then what about your studies?"

"i also quit, at least for the summer" he smiled thinking on how relaxed (apart from the worry of his growing crush) he felt.

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