please understand, i am in love

976 49 12

safe zone
♪bilkin, pp kritt♪

it was late in the morning when jungwon was woken up by the call from jay.

"hyung?" he said yawning a bit.

"jungwon, let's go on a date today?"

"was that a question or a statement?" jungwon was easily confused by those types of statement questions. he heard jay giggle on the side.

"a question"

"yeah... at what time?" jungwon sat on his bed. he wore a white hoodie that his older sister had gifted him.

"like at 4:00PM"

"sure... do i go to your house or-"

"i'll pick you up" jay told him before he said goodbye and the two hung up.

jungwon blushed so much. they had kissed but they had never gone on a date. this was also his first date ever.

"what am i supposed to wear???" he pouted sadly. he should've gone on a date when his older sister wasn't away in university.
he sighed before deciding to call her.

"hi, noona"

"oh wonie, hi"

"can i ask you something?" he struggled to keep himself from stuttering but his whole body blushed from embarrassment.

"yeah... you sound worried"

"umm what do- sjsjsk... what do you... i mean what do you wear to a date?" finally he finished his long sentence filled with stutters.

"so that was why you sounded like that... wear something cute and comfortable"

"i dont have that-"

"ask ddeonu then, you're about the same size"


"well anyway this essay on the thoughts of a murderer isn't going to write itself" a psychology major's essay were kind of odd but it made jungwon giggle.

"alright, thank you noona"

"no problem, have fun with jay!"

"how did you-" she hung up before he could finish his sentence.
he got up from his bed and ran downstairs before opening the door and going to sunoo's house next to his.

"sunoo hyung!" He knocked on the door loudly.

"sir, it's 9 in the morning, what do you need?" said a groggy sunoo opening the door.

"im going on a date and i need-" he stopped when he saw a shirtless niki in the background. he giggled a bit before continuing.
"is this not the right time?"

"huh?" jungwon pointed at niki who was now eating ice cream from the tub.
"oh... no, he just slept here last night and he said it got too hot" sunoo said giggling in embarrassment.

"oh okay anyway so im going on a date with jay hyung and my sister said to wear something comfortable and cute but i dont have stuff like that"

"hold up- hyung, you said you have date with who?" niki got a bit excited and started teasing him.

"oh my god- i have a date with jay hyung" by now sunoo had pulled him inside and closed the door.

"to the salon!" sunoo said pushing jungwon upstairs.

"stop quoting barbie life in the dreamhouse" niki told sunoo chuckling a bit.

"and you stop eating ice cream and also go put on a shirt people are gonna assume things"

"it's not like they're wrong though" niki shrugged putting the spoon in the sink before closing the ice cream cream and putting it back in the freezer.

"wait- so i was right!" jungwon yelled in victory.

"i forget you two are teens until you act like this" sunoo said shaking his head.

"if you're an adult and im a teen then-"

"no, niki, that's not what i- nevermind"


"done!" sunoo said after he had finished straightening and fluffing jungwon's hair up.

"are you sure this is fine?" jungwon checked himself in the mirror.

"yeah, right riki?"

"you look pretty, hyung! as long as you're there he'll be happy" niki responded still eating his lollipop.

"i'm not sure if he actually likes me or-"

"you dummie, of course he likes you!" sunoo smacked him on the head. he's like my older sister.

"what time is it?" jungwon said searching for his missing phone.

"it's 3:30" niki responded with his words a bit muffled behind the red lollipop.

"oh- hyung's coming to pick me up in a bit"

"then go home, get your stuff ready" sunoo told him making a shooing motion.


jungwon waited in his living room with his small backpack. he held the strap tightly as he felt nervous.




jay hyung:
im here
open up

jungwom finally stood up and went to open the door. he looked at a chill and good looking jay. his loverboy was wearing a white shirt with a logo and a blue button up shirt on top with blue jeans.

"are you ready?" jay asked him smiling sweetly.

"yup" jungwon smiled a nervous cute smile.

"dont be nervous. it's just like every other time we've hung out on our own, just.... more romantic" jay told him holding out his hand.

"oki" jungwon replied taking ahold of jay's hand. he felt a little bad because his hands were sweating so much.

the two got to jay's car and jay opened the copilot door for jungwon whose heart was beating uncomprehendingly.
he sat and buckled himself as he watched jay walked to the driver's side and get in.

"so... where are we going?"

"i know you said you wanted to be like every other teen so this is part of a teen's life but this is a hint, i want it to be a surprise" jay said starting to drive.
"here, put some music" he gave the aux cord to jungwon and jungwon grabbed his phone.

"this is a thai song but i love it so much... i found it through a show" jungwon wasn't the type to listen to too much music unless it was recommended by his friends or he found it randomly.
finally, he played safe zone, the ost of the thai bl i told sunset about you.

throughout the ride, they held hands like the couples in movies. jay was the type of guy to impress people with his charm and also his effort on giving people the best time while also enjoying himself.

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