i want to shoot a movie with you

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a long dream
♪se so neon♪

the drive wasn't too long. when they arrived at their date place, although he knew it was a cliche, jungwon still smiled wider than ever. it was so colorful, so beautiful. he had truly given jungwon his coming of age movie dream.

they were at an amusement park. the kind that's so lit up that you wonder if you're in a movie. he loved this so much that when the two got out of the black car, he hugged jay tightly.

"thank you so much, hyung"

"of course, wonie" they pulled away and went inside to get their tickets.

they went around the park to find many and many rides.

they went on the rollercoaster where jay looked so scared that he held onto jungwon tightly.

then it was the shooting game, here jungwon got a plushie from jay shooting down the bottles. it was a cute sheep plushie which jay noted looked so much like jungwon. jungwon giggled and pouted a bit before also trying the game out. he was able to get jay a plushie as well. he got him a cat plushie.

it was something truly out of romance coming of age book or a movie like those where the characters fall in love. jungwon felt in love and so did jay. although jay had girlfriends before, he never fell in love. at least, not until now.

"hyung... i love you" was it jungwon's first time telling him i love you? yes, of course. was he super nervous for the older's response? absolutely.

"i love you too!" jay said hugging him. even those four words alone could make jungwon the happiest boy alive.

they ended their night at the amusement park by going on the ferris wheel. it was something out of a movie. maybe jay knew this because he was soon to be a film major. maybe the many movies they'd watched together paid off.

"i know, this isn't like in love, simon but i hope this can you make you happy" jay said as the two finally sat in their booth.

"i don't want something like in love, simon or any other movie, i want our thing... i know you must have over thought all of this but relax... for me, just being with you is enough" jungwon said and before he knew it, jay's lips were on his.

it was absolutely out of a movie.

it was magical.

they had kissed before but never was it this meaningful and loving. it felt lovely.

their movie sequence ended as the two drifted off to sleep in their beds with a wide smile plasted on their faces.

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