it's just me myself and i love it

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dance on my own

as jungwon and his mother stepped out the taxi that had driven them and their luggage to the park residence, jungwon felt embarrassed. he hated the idea of getting help. he hated the idea of burdening his best friend.

"jungwon, now you have to be polite to everyone in that house and make sure you dont make jay or his family regret this"

"yes, mom" he answered in a formal manner. this was what he had heard the whole day and the whole ride to jay's.

"thank you, driver jeon" his mother said to their taxi driver who was a friend of hers.

"let's just go, mom" he said as he face furrowed into embarrassment and guilt.

they held their luggage and finally his mother knocked. they waited for a few seconds before the door was opened by jay's mother.

"oh! yuri, jungwonie, we've been waiting for you" she seemed over the moon to be housing her best friend of decades and her son. he was thankful but felt bothersome.

"oh, thank you so much for taking is in"

"oh don't thank me, thank jongseong" he felt his cheeks burn up. of course, jay would do what he knew jungwon didn't want to be done.

"we'll thank him as soon as we see him" the two bowed thankfully before entering the beautifully simple house. it was obvious they had a great amount of money but they had decorated it simply.

the two were lead to seperate rooms to put their stuff in. the house wasn't as big as someone would think a rich family's house would be. it was just big enough to have 2 bedrooms and a guest room as well as three bathrooms.

yuri was lead to the guest room and jungwon to jay's room. when he entered he realized he was alone which relieved him. he didn't want to see his 'dumb' face which would make him angry.

"does he always have to be so kind?" he hated him for being so kind enough to do what he told him not to. yet he still loved him, as a friend.

he put his luggage down as he waited for the older boy to get back. he didn't want to do something that jay wouldn't like, it was his room after all.


"yang jungwon?" jay entered his room in the clothes that were more than casual. jungwon knew why he had dressed so fancy and it made him want to roll his eyes.

"dont act like i'm a stranger" jungwon sat up from where he was laying on the bed playing on his phone.

"im just surprised you guys agreed-" he stopped himself knowing jungwon was probably not the happiest at his decision. "sorry, about that" he smiled looking around awkwardly.

"it's whatever... i dont make the decisions either way" he stood up giving jay a tight lipped smile. "where should i put my stuff?" jay's room wasn't small or medium but also not massive. maybe the right size for him.

"oh, right... let me clear some space in the closet and you can just arrange your stuff there. for your school things, since i have a big desk (maybe a little too big) we can just share and i just cleared out my school related shelf so you can just put your textbooks there" he opened the door to his big walk in closet and started moving the clothes to make space.

while jay cleared the closet, jungwon placed his textbooks in the bookshelf and his pens, highlighters, pencils and the pencil case on jay's desk.
he waited for jay patiently.

"done! you can put your stuff there" he smiled at him happy. jungwon couldn't help but smile back at his precious hyung.

"oh thank you" he said trying not to smile a bit too much. his heart was doing something it shouldn't and he knew this was the moment the female protagonist in a movie would say oh- have i fallen for my best friend? or something cheesier but he also knew no, he's a guy and im a guy too no way im in love with him. he was straight for sure

after he finished putting his stuff away, jungwon and jay layed on jay's bed.

"so... where will i sleep?" he asked awkwardly as he looked at the ceiling.

"on the bed with me" jay answered bluntly.

"oh... okay" he felt it would be weird if he protested.

"kids! it's time for dinner!" jay's mother called out and the two quicklt raced to the kitchen like kids.

"wow they never change do they?" yuri said shaking her head as she smiled.

"yeah they never do"
the two boys helped set the table and eventually the four sat down.

"where's dad?" jay asked after chewing on his steak.

"he's at work... again" his mother sighed in annoyance. it was nice living a comfortable life with so much money but the downside was a missing husband and father.

"oh..." the four continued eating as they chatted about their days.

"so jungwon, you're going into your senior year" jay's mom mentioned and jungwon nodded with his boba eyes shining. "have you chosen a major?"

"yeah, I'm going into the fine arts" he said cutting his steak.

"oh that's nice! wow you should start comissioning people so you get used to it"

"id love to but right now im a bit occupied with working on my portfolio for my applications" jay's mom nodded in understanding.

"well when you do start, tell us! i've wanted to get a family portrait done for a while now but didn't know who to ask"

"i'd be honored!" he smiled the politest smile.

they talked until they had all finished and the two boys were told to wash and dry the dishes.
as they washed the dishes, all jungwon could think of was jay's intense yet sweet stares. how would he concentrate when he drew him?

It's just a week of suffering yk. Im starting my period, i have tests all week and i still haven't confessed to my crush so you know im kinda suffering.

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