Chapter one

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TW: Mentions of death and rape

Ten months after the Wizarding War has ended, the three friends have thought every day about their previous adventure and all the Harry Potter characters.

Especially Y/N who can't help but miss two certain wizards - Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.

She has been a bit worried. What happened to Lucius? The Malfoy family escaped before the Aurors could even think about taking them to Azkaban. She hopes that they are all safe and well. Lucius and Narcissa were nice to her under her capture at Malfoy Manor, after all.

During the past ten months, Y/N, Laura and Vera have all been busy with school. Which is why they haven't been able to visit the people of the Wizarding World. But to be fair, Harry Potter and the others have also been busy. Mainly because of OWL exams and finding the Malfoys.

However, they have thought about the three girls every day as well. Dumbledore has even sent them a packet of lemon drops with a letter attached which states that he hopes all three of them are well. How did he send it? That's still a mystery to this day. He certainly has his ways.

Also, a certain Potions Master can't get the Keeper of the Diamond out of his head. He won't admit it to anyone but he misses her. A lot.

When the girls returned to their dimension after destroying Lord Voldemort, Vera and Y/N decided to move in together in Y/N's house. Y/N couldn't stand to live alone now that her mother was killed. Especially not at night when she gets nightmares about the incident that happened at Malfoy Manor. Yes, she still gets nightmares about that.

At first, she was still not ready to tell her two best friends what happened. However, two months ago, she decided that enough was enough and that she had to talk to them. They were both shocked but also grateful that Snape and Lucius saved their friend in time before she was raped.

A lot of hugs, as well as a lot of tears, were involved as she told them about the incident. All three of the girls hope that Dolohov will stay in Azkaban until he dies.

Right now, Laura and Vera are both in Laura's house. Her mother is at work, of course.

They haven't told Y/N that Vera is here with Laura. It's a surprise - they are in fact discussing and organising a birthday party for her which is in three days. Better late than never with the planning, right?

They have everything planned, though. What cake to serve, where to celebrate it and who to celebrate it with. It's definitely going to be a birthday she will never forget as it's being celebrated at Hogwarts. Dumbledore insisted on throwing the party in the Great Hall.

The house elves of Hogwarts will be making the cake which Laura and Vera have designed together. It may or may not be green with an orange diamond and a pink one on top of the cake while there's "Happy birthday, Y/N" carved in silver glaze. She's absolutely going to love it.

On top of that, everyone's going to be there - Albus Dumbledore himself, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Arthur and Molly Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Rubeus Hagrid, Dobby the Free Elf and last, but definitely not least, Severus Snape.

Yes, he absolutely hates social gatherings, but it's Y/N's birthday so he's willing to make an exception. Of course, if you were to ask him, he would simply say that it's to show gratitude to the Keeper of the Diamond. That's not really the case, however. He just won't admit that to anyone. There's quite a lot of things he won't admit, apparently.

Back to the party organisation, Laura and Vera just need to discuss what gift to give Y/N.

"I've been thinking of giving her a Slytherin uniform. I know she's more like a Hufflepuff, but Y/N does love green. Besides, I'm sure Snape would go crazy if she was to wear it. I might actually laugh at his reaction. What will you be giving her, Vera?" Laura asks while sipping her soda through a straw.

She has to watch out for her teeth and the straw was recommended by her dentist.

"Ugh, I've got no idea. I might just buy her a shirt or something. I don't know anything about Harry Potter, so I really don't know what to give her" Vera says as she sighs, defeated as she has absolutely no idea what to do.

An idea pops into Laura's head. "Hey, you could give her a Snape t-shirt. That would be absolutely hilarious!" Laura suggests as she grins.

Vera thinks about it for a while. Hey, that's not a bad idea. However, Dumbledore and McGonagall will most likely tease Snape about it. Is that what Laura's plan is all about?

"Good idea-" Vera starts as she's suddenly interrupted by a noise. It's coming from the living room. What was that? "Um, what's going on?" Vera slowly asks, a bit scared.

Laura shrugs. "I don't know, let's go and check it out" she suggests. They both then rise up from the floor where they were sitting and head to the living room.

However, they stop right in their tracks when they see three women in the living room, making a mess. They are tossing chairs and books everywhere. Are they looking for something?

One of them suddenly notices the two girls staring at them. She gives them a creepy smirk. "My, my. What do we have here? Two teenagers home alone? How cute. Now, tell us - where is the diamond?" the woman asks the girls.

Laura and Vera both gulp. Oh, no. Not again.

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