Chapter six

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TW: Mentions of kidnapping

Y/N lands on her butt, quite hard. Ouch. Did Dumbledore really have to push her? That crazy, lemon-obsessed old man.

Seriously, his obsession with lemons is so unhealthy that he might have to get hospitalised at St. Mungos Hospital someday.

She sighs as she takes a look at her surroundings. Wait, why does that castle look like Alfea from Winx Club? Is she on drugs? Or did she just accidentally drink some firewhiskey before getting here?

Y/N suddenly realises that she is indeed in the Winx Club dimension. Especially when she sees Griselda running towards her. "Headmistress Faragonda would like to see you, Keeper of the Diamond" she says while looking stern. Nodding, Y/N follows her to Faragonda's office.

When they enter, they are met by Faragonda who is smiling. "Welcome to Alfea, Keeper of the Diamond. Or should I just call you Y/N?" she says as she chuckles a bit.

Y/N gives her a shy smile. "Hello, Headmistress Faragonda. Yeah, you can just call me Y/N. Keeper of the Diamond sounds like an important person which I'm really not. But anyway, Dumbledore sent me here to help you fight a powerful enemy. Who is it? And my friends should apparently be here too, are they okay?" she questions while looking worried.

Faragonda motions for her to sit down on a chair. "Do not be so modest. You are really important, Y/N. You are the only one who can use the powers of the diamonds. And yes, we will need your help to destroy an enemy who has recently returned - Lord Darkar. The Trix witches are helping him once again. He has most likely promised them that they can rule over Magix while he will rule over the entire Magic Dimension. And as for your friends, do not worry. They are safe and currently with the Winx Club" she states while looking serious.

Y/N is shocked. Darkar is back? She isn't surprised to hear about the Trix, though. They always fall for false promises.

"Now, let us go and meet the Winx. I am sure your friends will be very happy to see you" Faragonda says as they all then rise from their chairs and leave the office.

When they are almost at the Winx's dorm, Faragonda suddenly turns around to look at Y/N. "Oh, I almost forgot - do not be surprised to see someone in there who used to be our enemy. He has given back all stolen spells and is now our ally" she tells her.

Y/N is taken aback. Who could that be? The only villain she remembers who steals spells is Valtor. No way, could it actually be Valtor?

As they enter the dorm, Y/N can't believe her own eyes. Valtor is in fact sitting on the couch - while drinking tea? She can't help but stare at him. Yes, Y/N's favourite character from Winx Club is none other than Valtor.

She takes a good look at him. His long, strawberry-blonde hair. His grey eyes which are piercing through her soul. His maroon jacket. Damn, she loves that jacket. However, she loves it even more when he isn't wearing it...

Y/N stops herself. What is wrong with her? Here they are, on a mission from Dumbledore, and she's thinking of Valtor's good looks?! She scolds herself internally.

She can't help but look at his hair. It looks to be quite well taken care of, she wonders if he uses the same hair care line as Lucius.

Meanwhile, Valtor reads her mind. Yes, he was supposed to give back all the spells that he stole, he however decided to keep that one. As long as that old hag Faragonda does not find out, right? He can't help but smirk. So the Keeper of the Diamond has a crush on him, huh? He definitely won't turn down that opportunity.

Their thoughts are suddenly interrupted as Vera and Laura run up to Y/N and hugs her tightly. "Y/N! You are here!" Vera exclaims, really happy.

Y/N immediately hugs them back. "Yeah, I'm here. It's good to see you two. Are you guys all right?" she asks them while looking worried.

They both smile at her. "Yeah, those Trix witches are so stupid. They were suddenly fighting while blaming each other. So we ran away while they were distracted" Laura tells her.

Faragonda clears her throat. "It is good to see such a happy reunion. I trust that you know who everyone is in here, Y/N? If not, this is Bloom, the Keeper of the Dragon Flame" she says as she points to the Fairy of the Dragon Flame.

Y/N nods. "Yeah, I know everyone's names. Nice to meet you all. By the way, what did the Trix want with you? Before I got here, Dumbledore did tell me that you guys almost got kidnapped" she asks while looking at Laura and Vera.

They both sigh. "Ugh, they wanted the diamond once again like everybody else. However, they have no idea that in order to use its powers, they need you, Y/N" Vera says.

Y/N is absolutely shocked. They have no idea? Are they going to kidnap her, too?

"Precisely, which is why we will need to be prepared. You three girls will have to train together with the Winx, the Specialists from the Red Fountain school and Valtor. The boys should arrive here soon" Faragonda states.

Everybody nods. Well, everybody except for Valtor. He just sighs. Great. He has to train with teenagers.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now