Chapter eighteen

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TW: Blood, death, torture, swear words, weapons and mentions of rape

Y/N is lying on a table as her hands and feet are tied. She can't move. Bellatrix and Icy are in front of her, smirking at her.

Meanwhile, Darcy and Stormy are a bit far away in the background. Darcy looks at Stormy. "Do you really think this is a good idea?" she whispers.

Stormy shakes her head. "I know it was me who complained that we couldn't have fun, but honestly, what fun would it be? Darkar will most likely find out and then refuse to give us Magix!" she whisper-yells.

Darcy nods at that. She really hopes that Darkar won't show up and find out what they are about to do.

At the table, Y/N is struggling. However, to no avail. Bellatrix has a knife in her hand.

"I have wanted to do this for a long time. The Dark Lord declined my wish last time, but this time, nobody will stop me" she says as she gives a loud and evil laugh.

She then drags the knife down from Y/N's throat and along her chest. She however isn't putting pressure to actually cut, yet. She drags it along her stomach, her hipbone and her thigh. She stops as she lifts up her dress to reveal her bare thigh.

"We will not even need any spells as long as we cut on discreet places" Bellatrix states.

She then starts to cut Y/N's left inner thigh. Blood drips from the fresh cut. Tears start to spill from her eyes. It hurts, really bad.

"Tsk, tsk. Are you crying already? We haven't even started yet" Icy says while smirking at Y/N.

Bellatrix then stops cutting her thigh, grabs Y/N's chin harshly and starts to scratch her right cheek with her long nails. She scratches hard enough to draw blood. Y/N can't help but give a scream as it hurts.

"You fucking idiot! I thought we agreed to only harm her in discreet places?!" Icy exclaims, absolutely angry.

Bellatrix just smirks at her. "I simply could not contain myself. Go on, it is your turn" she says as she hands Icy the knife.

Before she can reach for it, though, spells are thrown their way.

"Leave her alone!" Bloom yells.

The two witches turn around to see the Winx in their fairy form, the Specialists, Valtor, Laura, Vera, Snape, Black, Lupin and the Gryffindor Trio.

Stormy and Darcy are tied by ropes, looking annoyed yet defeated.

"You idiots! Why didn't you attack them?!" Icy screams at them.

They just shrug. "We did, but they surprised us. Apparently, Darkar's monsters aren't that strong since they got past them" Stormy says.

Gritting her teeth, Icy then starts to attack the Winx. Bellatrix attacks Black, Lupin and the Trio while the Specialists, Laura and Vera attack Darkar's shadow monsters which have just appeared inside the fortress.

Valtor and Snape hurry up to the table where Y/N is still tied to.

"Do not worry, Y/N. We will get you out of here!" Valtor reassures her. Y/N merely nods while still having tears in her eyes.

While Valtor uses his magic to cut her free, Snape inspects her cuts. "Merlin, what did those witches do to you?" he questions while gently caressing her bloodied thigh.

She whimpers as it still hurts. He notices and mutters "Episkey" as the cut slowly heals, it however leaves a scar. He heals her cheek as well which also leaves a few scars.

When she's free, she doesn't hesitate to hug Snape tightly. "He's here, he's here" she says over and over again.

Valtor raises an eyebrow at that. "Who? Lord Darkar?" Valtor asks, puzzled. Snape looks confused as well.

She shakes her head as she points somewhere. Both men turn around to see Dolohov. Snape balls his hands into fists. Not that fucking bastard again.

Valtor is still confused, though. "Who is he?" he slowly asks.

Snape gives an annoyed sigh. "Dolohov. He tried to rape her last year. He killed her mother, too" he states, knowing that he killed her since Lucius once told him while Y/N wasn't there. He already suspected that Dolohov did it, though.

Valtor's expression turns angry at that. He won't let him get away with hurting Y/N. "Will you be fine, Y/N?" Valtor gently asks as he wipes away her tears. When she nods, the two men don't think twice about what to do.

They approach Dolohov. "Well, well. Hello, Severus. I see Lucius is not here with you. What a shame, huh?" he says as he smirks.

That just makes Snape even angrier. "We should not have let you live. We should have killed you when we had the chance" Snape states, referring to that night at Malfoy Manor.

Dolohov laughs at that. "Maybe, maybe not. However, you will not win this time. Lord Darkar has both diamonds. You might as well just surrender now" he says in a mocking tone.

Valtor looks at Snape and Snape looks at Valtor. They both nod, knowing what to do. They don't even bother using their magic - they just keep beating Dolohov with their bare hands while the man looks surprised as he doesn't react in time.

After a while, he finally stops moving. His face unrecognisable as it's covered in bruises and blood.

"If anybody asks, then it was self-defence. That will not get us in trouble" Snape states which Valtor nods at, both of them having blood on their hands. Nobody has to know that they beat Dolohov to death. Only Valtor, Snape and Y/N have to know.

Y/N watched the whole thing from afar, still lying on the table. She lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Finally, he's gone. The face of her nightmares is gone.

However, nobody in the room notices a person emerging on the throne.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now