Chapter nine

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TW: Flirtatious and seductive behaviour

In Shadow Haunt, the Trix have returned with the pink diamond. "Finally. I was beginning to think you three took the diamond for yourselves" Lord Darkar says, thinking that they had betrayed him.

Darcy rolls her eyes. "Relax, we wouldn't do that. We will be given Magix after all when you take over the Magic Dimension, correct?" she asks while raising an eyebrow. He better be telling them the truth, otherwise they will definitely go behind his back.

Darkar laughs. "Of course you will. A promise is a promise, is it not? Now, give me the diamond" he demands.

Icy looks at her sisters. They both give her a nod. "Fine, here it is, Darkar. It was way too easy" Icy says as she hands him the pink diamond while smirking.

Darkar gives an evil smile. "Finally - the diamond!" he exclaims while giving an evil laugh. However, he stops laughing almost immediately. Something is wrong.

"I can feel the power of the diamond, but I cannot use it! Why is that?!" he asks the Trix, sounding furious. All three of them gulp. They are scared.

"Maybe you are just using it wrong?" Stormy dares to suggest. Big mistake.

"Using it wrong? How in Magix's name am I using it wrong? Huh?!" he yells in her face as he then grits his teeth.

"Could it be the wrong diamond?" Icy suggests, quite confused. Darcy facepalms at that. Really? The wrong diamond? Come on!

Suddenly, a voice can be heard from the shadows. "First off, you need an orange diamond, too. Second, you will need the only person who can actually use it - the Keeper of the Diamond" the voice states.

Darkar looks impressed. "What would I do without you? Good thing you joined us. Icy, Darcy, Stormy - go and find this Keeper of the Diamond. Now" he demands the three witches as they all bow before leaving.

The next morning, Valtor wakes up as his whole body is in pain, especially his back. Stupid couch. He sighs. He then decides to take a shower to soothe his sore muscles with the hot water. This is exactly what he needed.

He then leaves the bathroom just in his towel. The Winx girls are usually not awake at this time, so Valtor figures it will be the same with those three girls. Well, he's wrong.

Right as he leaves the bathroom, he's met by Y/N staring at him. She can't help it. There he is, with wet hair and just in a towel around his waist.

Valtor smirks at her. "Well, good morning" he says in a quite seductive tone. Y/N blinks a few times. She first realises now that she has been staring at him. Especially at his naked chest.

She decides to answer him as her cheeks turn redder than a tomato. "G-good morning" she stammers while not looking at him.

He chuckles at that. "Do not be shy, honey. Never seen a man in a towel before?" he asks in a mocking tone as he raises an eyebrow at her. She merely shakes her head.

"Well, then. I am glad to be the first one you see. Why are you up so early by the way?" he questions, curious.

Y/N coughs a few times. "Um, I couldn't sleep" she simply says.

Valtor raises an eyebrow once again. He then sits on the couch and pats the spot beside him to motion for her to sit there. She gulps and does so. "Do tell me - what is wrong? Did you have nightmares?" he slowly and gently asks her.

Y/N sighs. "Yeah, it's just about something that happened last year. In another dimension, actually" she admits.

Valtor can't help but think it must have been bad. He doesn't know much about that Harry Potter dimension that Albus Dumbledore is from. He however knows about the Death Eaters who had given them a lot of trouble. He wonders if they are the reasons for her discomfort.

"Forgive me for being so straightforward. I do understand if you do not wish to tell me this, but was it the Death Eaters from that other dimension who did something to you?" Valtor asks her.

Y/N blinks a few times. She's confused as to how he knows about the Death Eaters. "W-well... Yes. How do you know about them?" she asks, referring to the Death Eaters.

Valtor chuckles. "Let us just say that Dumbledore guy has been here on a visit. He told us about their Wizarding War. He also told about you, the Keeper of the Diamond" he says as he smirks.

Y/N is puzzled. Dumbledore has been here before? She will have to remind herself to ask him when they return to Hogwarts.

Valtor suddenly plays with her hair. "Did they hurt you, Y/N?" he asks while whispering in her ear.

Y/N gulps. "Well... One of them tried to. But he was stopped in time" she slowly says.

Valtor stops his movements. He has a pretty good idea as to what almost happened to her. He decides not to question it further as he senses her discomfort.

He sighs as he rubs her back gently. "I am sorry to hear that. I am glad to hear that you were saved in time, though. I trust the hero was rewarded?" he asks, hoping that they were. They definitely deserve that.

Y/N gives a nervous chuckle. "Actually, they were Death Eaters themselves. Well, one was a spy for Dumbledore. His name is Severus Snape. And the other one, Lucius Malfoy, has been missing since we destroyed Voldemort. I hope that he and his family are okay. His wife and him were nice to me under my capture in their home" she says while worrying about Lucius.

Valtor is intrigued by this - Death Eaters stopping other Death Eaters? Interesting. He then puts a hand on her thigh. "Well, then. I do hope they are fine too, since they saved you" he says while slowly stroking her thigh.

Y/N lets out a breath. She can't concentrate with his hand on her thigh. She can barely concentrate while he's almost naked. She however gives him a shy smile.

After a few minutes of stroking her thigh, Valtor decides to get dressed by using magic.

After a while, all the Winx girls come out of their bedroom. Vera and Laura, too. However, Stella is still asleep.

"Should we wake up the sleeping beauty?" Layla asks.

Flora just giggles. "Let's not. You know how she gets when we wake her up" she says, referring to Stella's grumpy attitude in the mornings.

Tecna can't help but state the facts, though. "You do know that she will be late for breakfast if we don't wake her up soon. There's a ninety-one percent chance that she will get angry if she doesn't get breakfast. However, there is a nine percent chance that she will be happy because she actually did get her sleep, even without food in her stomach" she states while calculating the numbers.

Don't ever challenge the Fairy of Technology. She will just state the facts that no one can argue with.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now