Chapter fourteen

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TW: Kidnapping and mentions of death

Y/N is stunned by the beauty of the garden. There are lots of exotic flowers. They sit on a bench in the garden to enjoy their drink and cake as they look at the many different plants.

Y/N however gets saddened as she starts to think about her mother. She loved flowers and plants.

Valtor senses her sadness. "Something wrong, honey?" he questions while looking worried.

"No, no, I'm fine. It's just that I'm reminded of my mom. She loved flowers, you see. She was killed last year by the Death Eaters in our home" she explains as a stray tear leaves her left eye. Valtor gently wipes it away.

"I am so sorry to hear that. Was the killer caught?" he slowly asks.

She shakes her head. She never asked who killed her, she however knows for sure that it wasn't Lucius. He seemed pretty mad about it anyway, plus he kept saying that it wasn't supposed to happen.

It could have been Avery, who is dead, but it most likely wasn't him, either. Y/N suspects it was Dolohov who killed her. No, she doesn't want to think about that Death Eater. He's in Azkaban where he belongs.

She suddenly shivers as the cold wind hits her bare arms. She should probably have bought a jacket as well in that shop. Valtor notices as he then takes off his jacket and gently covers her shoulders with it. "Here you go" he whispers to her.

She shyly thanks him while giving him a shy smile. She however blushes when she sees him without his jacket. She has always wanted to wear it and now it's actually happening.

Valtor smirks at her flustered face. She tries to hide her face while eating the rest of her cake. She however doesn't notice the residue of the cake on her nose. But he does.

"You have something there" Valtor says he then wipes it away. Y/N is now blushing even more.

He chuckles at that. "Has anyone ever told you that you look so adorable while blushing, huh?" he asks her playfully. As if it wasn't possible, her cheeks are now even redder. Is he doing this on purpose?

Valtor then strokes her left cheek. "Your cheeks are really warm, yet your body is still cold even though you are wearing my jacket. I could help with that if only I was allowed to put my mark on you" he says as he sighs.

Y/N then clears her throat. "I have actually always wondered what it feels like to bear your mark" she admits.

Valtor gives a seductive smirk at that. "Is that so?" he simply asks, amused yet intrigued. She merely nods, quite shy.

He then puts his hand on her right wrist. His mark appears there - a purple V. It's an indescribable feeling. The only word that can describe it is amazing. It feels amazing. Y/N gets lightheaded but in a good way. She suddenly doesn't feel the cold anymore.

After a few more seconds, Valtor takes his mark off her. "We cannot have you continue to bear my mark. Faragonda and the Winx would just kill me if I did. By the way, let us keep this our little secret. I am not allowed to put my mark on anyone anymore, unless it is necessary in our missions against the enemy" he tells her. Y/N slowly nods as she comes back to her senses.

When he's sure that she is fine, Valtor then rises from his seat. "I will get us another drink as well as ask for a blanket. I will be right back" he reassures her as he smiles.

She shyly smiles back. "Okay, I will wait here" she simply says. Valtor then leaves the garden to enter the castle.

After a moment of being alone, she then hears a voice. "Well, well. So the Keeper of the Diamond has a thing for Valtor, huh?" the voice says in a mocking tone while laughing. Two other laughs can be heard as well.

Y/N rises from her seat, shaking with fear. "W-who are you?" she asks the unknown voice. Three women suddenly appear.

"The Trix" Y/N whispers in shock. They however hear it, too.

"That's right, "honey". And you are coming with us" Icy says while giving an evil smirk.

Darcy and Stormy suddenly grab Y/N. They then go through a portal to Darkar's fortress in Shadow Haunt.

A few seconds later, Valtor appears in the garden with two drinks and a blanket. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Y/N" he says, hoping she didn't freeze too much. He however drops everything in his hands when he sees that the bench is empty. She's gone.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now