Chapter sixteen

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TW: Mentions of kidnapping

Lupin returns to the office with three tired-looking yet dressed Gryffindors and a grumpy Sirius Black. Black is angry since his beauty sleep was interrupted. "Why are we here, Albus? It is past midnight!" Black exclaims.

Snape glares at him while Dumbledore gives him a sad smile. "Y/N has been kidnapped, Sirius. You will have to save her" the Headmaster states.

That caught the attention of the four tired people. Now they are wide awake. Black gulps. He feels a bit bad now that he complained about his sleep.

"We should probably leave now. The Winx and the others are waiting" Faragonda states. They all nod as Faragonda opens the portal.

Snape is the first one to enter - without hesitation. Lupin is next followed by Black. The Trio looks a bit hesitant but follows as well. Faragonda bids Dumbledore and McGonagall goodbye as she enters the portal as well.

"I do hope their mission will end well" McGonagall says in a whisper, looking really worried.

Dumbledore nods. "So do I, Minerva. So do I" he simply says, hoping they will save Y/N in time.

The seven people then appear in the Winx Club dimension, right outside the Castle of Domino. The Trio is stunned by its beauty.

They then notice a red spaceship. "What is that?" Ron whispers to his friends.

"It's a spaceship. It's usually used in space, maybe they use it here like they would use an airplane?" Harry questions, confused yet curious.

Ron is looking more confused now. "What's an airplane?" he asks, having no clue.

Hermione rolls her eyes at him. "An airplane is a Muggle machine that transports people from one destination to another. It can hold hundreds of people, sometimes even thousands" Hermione states.

"Wow. Wait until my dad hears that. He will beg my mum to travel with one of those for our next holiday, I'm sure of it" Ron says in awe.

Harry snorts. "You kind of sound like Malfoy" Harry says in a teasing tone, referring to Draco Malfoy's most used line "My father will hear about this".

Ron looks angry at Harry. "Shut up, Harry!" he exclaims, not happy about his comment.

They are then greeted by the Winx, the Specialists, Valtor, Laura and Vera. The two latter run up to the Trio and hug them. "We are so glad to see you guys! Y/N has been kidnapped, once again!" Vera exclaims while looking sad at them.

The three Gryffindors give the two girls a sad smile. "It's good to see you, too. And we know, that's why we are here. We have come to help save Y/N" Harry reassures them.

Ron leans into them. "And Snape was the first one to get here. You should have seen him, he didn't think twice about it - I have never seen him so angry yet worried before" he whispers, still surprised at that.

Ron is quite oblivious to the Potions Master's feelings for the girl, so is Harry.

Laura and Vera both giggle at that. "I wonder why" Laura says as she smirks a bit, knowing exactly why the Potions Master acted like that.

They all then turn their attention to Faragonda. "All right, we are all here. You will have to fly to Darkar's fortress in Shadow Haunt. Winx, I advise you to only transform when you are out of the ship. You should not waste your powers as it will drain your energy. I also advise you all to stop at some point to get some much needed rest - you could all use it" she says as she looks at Bloom, Stella, Laura, Vera, Ron and Black who are all yawning.

They all nod as they wave goodbye to the Headmistress of Alfea and enter the ship.

"So, what do you guys say - get our rest now or wait until we are closer to Shadow Haunt?" Nabu asks.

Riven chuckles. "By the look of the many people in here, I'd say we should probably get that rest now" he suggests.

Musa huffs. "I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with Riven, but I am. We are all way too tired to travel right now" she states. Everybody nods in agreement.

The Winx girls conjure some madrases for people to sleep on. Bloom and Sky are sharing one. Stella with Brandon, Flora with Helia, Tecna with Timmy, Layla with Nabu, Laura with Vera, Harry with Ron and Hermione and Lupin with Black.

Musa and Riven have agreed to sleep separately. Otherwise, they would just kill each other in their sleep.

Valtor and Snape also have their own. There is no one here they would ever dream to share a madras with. Except for one, but she is kind of unavailable right now. Which is exactly why they are on this very mission.

They all quickly fall asleep. Except for Valtor and Snape who are both worried about Y/N, a lot. Is she all right?

Valtor notices that Snape is the only one besides him who is still awake. "Can't sleep, huh?" he asks him.

Snape sighs. "Obviously not" he says in a sarcastic tone.

Valtor chuckles. "Are you worried about Y/N? I know I am. If only I had not left her alone in the garden to go and get us some drinks, then this would not have happened" Valtor sighs as he blames himself.

That caught Snape's attention. Were they alone? In a garden? He starts to feel a bit jealous. He also gets a bit angry that he left her alone. He decides not to say anything, though. They both fall asleep too after a while.

The next morning, they are all well rested and ready to leave. Especially Snape and Valtor who haven't even gotten that much sleep due to worrying about Y/N.

As they are finally flying into the air and heading towards Shadow Haunt, Stella suddenly realises something. "Ugh! We didn't get to shop for a new outfit for our mission!" she exclaims, worried about their outfit.

All the Winx and the Specialists yell "Stella!" in unison as they are annoyed at her shopping addiction.

She merely huffs. "Ugh, all right, fine" she says while still thinking about shopping, though.

Meanwhile, Snape rolls his eyes at her. Seriously, is that insolent girl thinking about shopping now? He cannot believe his own ears. Teenage girls.

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