Chapter three

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TW: Mentions of kidnapping

Vera and Laura keep running and running. They are absolutely exhausted but they do not dare to take a break. What if the Trix followed them?

They suddenly see a building. It looks like a pink and blue castle.

"Hey, that must be Alfea! Come on, we are close!" Laura yells as she grabs Vera's hand and runs faster. When they are right outside the gate, they finally take a break.

"First Harry Potter characters, now Winx Club! What's next, Winnie the Pooh?!" Vera exclaims while panting.

Meanwhile, Laura looks deep in thought. "Guess so. It's pretty weird that they wanted the pink diamond now that only Y/N can use it. They didn't even ask for the orange one. Wait a minute, the pink diamond! They took it!" she says while panicking a bit at the realisation. Well, that's just great.

Vera then turns towards the gate of Alfea. "Um, do you think we can enter and tell the Winx Club what's going on?" she questions.

Laura thinks about it for a while. "Sure, but how do we get in there? It's not just gonna open out of nowhere!" Laura says, referring to the gate.

It suddenly does open out of nowhere. "... Never mind then" she says, sounding surprised.

They suddenly spot a woman with brown, short hair wearing blue glasses and a blue dress. She looks like she's in a hurry - she's running towards the girls. "Headmistress Faragonda wants to see you two" she simply says.

Both Laura and Vera look puzzled. "Um... Okay, I guess?" Vera says in a confused tone as they both follow the woman.

They walk through the beautiful school as they are heading towards what looks like an office. "You may enter" the woman with the blue glasses, who is pretty stern-looking, tells them.

All three of them then enter to be met by an elderly woman with her white hair up in an up-do wearing half-moon glasses. It's Faragonda.

Why do all the Headmasters seem to wear half-moon glasses, though? It's probably a trend that Dumbledore started. The girls wonder if the Headmistress of Alfea likes lemons, too.

"Hello and welcome to Alfea. My name is Faragonda, the Headmistress of this school, and this is Ms. Griselda, my assistant as well as the Head of Discipline. We saw everything that happened to you. It is a good thing that you two got away from the Trix witches. Are you girls okay?" Faragonda asks, looking worried while Vera and Laura are absolutely confused. Is she related to Dumbledore or something? How in the world did she know that the Trix just tried to kidnap them?

"Um, we are all right, thanks. Could you tell us what's happening? We are clearly in the Winx Club dimension, but why did Icy, Darcy and Stormy want the diamond?" Laura asks after a bit of silence.

Faragonda gives them a sad smile. "So you do know where you are, good. And yes, the Trix wants the diamond that was apparently in your possession. They want to give it to an enemy that has recently returned after being destroyed by the Winx - Lord Darkar. You see, he wants the diamond so he can rule over the entire Magic Dimension which is here in our dimension. However, we know something that he does not - he cannot use it. It only works in the hands of the Keeper of the Diamond who has an orange diamond while yours is pink. We have contacted another Headmaster from another school in another dimension - Albus Dumbledore" she states.

The girls can't help but smile. Dumbledore knows they are here! And he will send Y/N to get them! "We actually know both Dumbledore and the Keeper of the Diamond. The Keeper is our friend, Y/N" Vera says while still smiling.

Both Faragonda and Griselda look surprised. "You know Albus Dumbledore - and the Keeper of the Diamond?" Griselda asks while looking puzzled. The girls nod.

Faragonda then smiles at them. "That is good news. Then you can help your friend help the Winx to destroy Lord Darkar and the Trix once and for all. Now, come with me. I will take you to the Winx" she says as she starts to leave her office. Vera, Laura and Griselda follow her.

After a while, they are outside of what looks to be a dorm. "Now, before you enter, I must warn you. There is someone in there who used to be our enemy. But he has agreed to give back what he had stolen and help the Winx with their missions. In return, he was spared and was not sent back to Omega which is a prison for the worst criminals here. However, he is forced to live there with the girls in their dorm. The girls were not happy with the idea at first, but they complied in the end" Faragonda tells the two girls as she gives them a serious look.

When the four of them enter, Laura and Vera are absolutely shocked at who they are met by.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now