Chapter eight

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After witnessing Laura's secret skills, everybody else starts their training, too. It's going pretty well for everyone.

Vera chooses a sword and shield - pretty simple and classic. She dodges Musa's spells. She doesn't hit back, though, as Musa is pretty quick to block her every time.

Right now it's Valtor's and Y/N's turn. She's quite nervous. He just smirks at her. "Do your worst, honey" he tells her. Did he just call her that?

Y/N takes a deep breath. "All right" she says as she gives him a shy smile.

Valtor is taken by surprise when he's suddenly hit in the chest. He falls to the ground, quite hard.

Y/N panics. "I'm so sorry, you weren't supposed to get injured!" she exclaims as she runs to help him up.

He takes her offered hand as he chuckles. "Do not worry, you simply just took me by surprise. Good hit, by the way. It was pretty impressive" he purrs. Y/N immediately blushes which only amuses Valtor.

Faragonda clears her throat to gain everyone's attention. "Good job with the training. Each and every one of you did really well. I believe you deserve a break. Which is only fitting, considering dinner is almost ready. Thank you for your help today, boys" she says as she gives them a smile.

Nodding, they all say goodbye to the Specialists who have to return to Red Fountain for dinner. Well, everyone says goodbye except for Valtor, of course.

"Good job, everyone! I'm sure we will be able to stop Lord Darkar soon" Timmy says in a cheery tone.

Brandon nods. "Yeah, he won't know what hit him! The same goes for the Trix" he exclaims, ready to fight the enemy. They all then wave as the red spaceship flies into the air heading to the other school.

After that, the Winx, Valtor, Laura, Vera, Y/N, Faragonda and Griselda head inside to the cafeteria. Faragonda and Griselda head to the staff table while the Winx girls, the three friends and Valtor head to one of the tables reserved for students.

Yes, Valtor has to join them. Even though they do trust him a bit more as the days go by, they still want to keep an eye on him. Much to Valtor's dismay. He has to live in a teenage dorm and eat with teenage girls in a teenage school. Ugh.

They all start to eat their meal.

When they are almost finished, three professors approach their table. "Hello, you three must be Y/N, Vera and Laura, correct? I am Professor Palladium" a man with pointy ears and long, light shade of orange-coloured hair says as he greets them.

"And I am Professor Wizgiz" a very short man with a big green hat says.

"And I am Professor Avalon. We do hope that you will enjoy your stay here at Alfea. We also came here to wish you good luck with your fight against Lord Darkar and the Trix" a tall man with long, dark grey hair says. The girls nod.

"Thank you, we appreciate it" Y/N simply says as she gives them a shy smile. The three professors nod as they take their leave.

After dinner, the three girls, the Winx and Valtor head to the dorm. As they all sit down to relax a bit while once again drinking Flora's tea, Faragonda enters.

"Hello, I do hope you enjoyed dinner. I just came here to let you know that you three will be sleeping here in the Winx's dorm. You will of course have to be divided into their rooms" she states while smiling.

Bloom raises her hand. "Well, Y/N can share with us. Right, Flora?" she asks while looking at the Fairy of Nature. Flora nods as she smiles.

"Laura can stay with us" Musa says while Tecna nods. Layla raises her hand.

"I already know that Stella won't give up her room as she loves to have it all to herself, so Vera can share with me" Layla says as she smiles at Vera who smiles back.

"Very well, then. Now that is sorted, I wish you all good night" Faragonda says. They all mutter "Good night" as the Headmistress leaves the dorm.

There is a bit of silence. "Well then, good night everyone" Stella says while yawning as she heads to her room. Everybody turns to their room, too. Laura, Y/N and Vera hug each other good night.

As she's about to enter Flora and Bloom's room, Y/N turns to Valtor. "Good night, Valtor. Sleep well" she says as she shyly smiles at him.

He's actually taken aback - he's not used to people being so nice to him. When he recovers from the shock, he smiles back at her. "Thank you. Good night, Y/N" he says, feeling grateful that she wished him a good night.

After she enters the room, Valtor then takes off his jacket, shirt, pants and shoes before lying on the uncomfortable couch while covering himself with a blanket. He sighs. Another terrible night on this terrible couch. He then closes his eyes as he falls asleep after a while.

Meanwhile in Flora and Bloom's room, Y/N is lying in her conjured bed. She's afraid that she might get nightmares as she has almost every night. After a bit, she finally falls asleep. She does indeed have nightmares that night.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now