Chapter four

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Laura and Vera are absolutely shocked. In front of them is the Winx Club - Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Layla. They did expect them, but they did not expect the man who is sitting on their couch while drinking tea.

Right there on the couch, sitting between Bloom and Flora, is Valtor. That's right -  Valtor. The villain of season three is sitting on the freaking couch in the Winx's dorm while sipping on some freaking tea. What a weird scenario.

The two girls must have been staring at him for a while because suddenly, he starts to laugh at them. "What is wrong? Never seen a man drink tea before?" Valtor asks in a mocking tone while raising an eyebrow.

Laura starts to cough. "Um, of course we have. It's just that... We didn't expect to see you here. I guess I should have thought about that when Faragonda mentioned that Omega prison. What did you steal, anyway?" she asks him, curious rather than judgemental.

The Winx starts to look quite angry. Especially Bloom, Stella and Layla. "He stole spells from other realms. One of them was the magic from the Sun of Solaria which is from Stella's realm. And not to mention that he almost destroyed Layla's realm, Andros" Bloom says while balling her hands into fists. Well, they certainly haven't forgiven him yet.

Faragonda starts to interrupt before anyone gets really angry. "I know he has stolen quite a lot of spells in the past but he has returned them. Besides, he is an ally now - an ally that we will need to destroy Lord Darkar again" she states while giving them a serious look. All the Winx girls sigh. Faragonda is right.

Laura and Vera are still a bit puzzled. "I still don't get it, though. Do you live here? Like actually live here with the Winx?" Vera asks in disbelief while raising an eyebrow at him.

Valtor sighs. "Yes, that is correct. In fact, I sleep on this very couch here. It absolutely kills my back. But apparently, these nice girls here did not want to get me a new couch. Whether it is because they actually like it or it is their way of getting revenge on me, I have no idea" he says as he shrugs.

For some reason, Vera starts to laugh at that. Laura looks still puzzled, though. "What the actual flower?" she suddenly exclaims, making sure not to curse.

There is a bit of silence. Not completely, though. Vera is still laughing. In fact, she's laughing even more after Laura's comment.

Musa raises an eyebrow at Laura. "Really, dude? Did you actually just say that?" she asks in disbelief.

Laura just shrugs. "Yeah, I did. Sue me" she simply says. Now Vera is laughing even harder. Is she okay?

"Well, I think it's a beautiful way of censoring swear words" Flora says as she smiles. Well, of course she thinks that. She is the Fairy of Nature after all.

"Would you like some tea, by the way? I made it" Flora then offers. When Vera finally calms down, both of the girls nod as they take a seat on some chairs.

Meanwhile in their dimension, Y/N is reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. She misses Snape so much that she just had to read this book. She loves the second chapter called "Spinner's End" - Snape is just too awesome there, plus it takes place in his home.

Sadly, her reading is interrupted as a bee flies into her bedroom through the window. Y/N absolutely hates the sound of bees, so she is out the door right away with the book still in her hand.

As she closes the door quite forcefully, there is suddenly light in front of her. Out of the light comes a man - Remus Lupin.

"Hello, Y/N. It is good to see you again. I sadly did not get to say goodbye last time. The full moon was quite bad. However, I got my revenge and killed Fenrir Greyback. You see, he was the one who turned me into a werewolf. Sirius and I also got our revenge on Peter Pettigrew that day... Wait a minute, are you hiding from someone?" he asks as he takes a good look at her. She looks absolutely terrified. Is she in danger?

Y/N gives a nervous chuckle. "Professor Lupin, it's so good to see you, too! Vera is sadly not home, she had to go somewhere. I'm not sure where, though. And um, no. I'm actually hiding from a bee... It flew into my bedroom and I just hate the sound that they make" she admits, a bit embarrassed.

Lupin can't help but chuckle at her. It was just a bee. No Death Eaters or other bad guys. "Well, it is good that it is just a bee. Would you like me to help get it out of your room?" he offers while giving her a smile.

She shyly smiles back. "Yes, please. If you don't mind" she says, sounding grateful. Lupin then enters the room and conjures the bee out of the window.

"There you go. Hey, what were you reading?" he asks as he looks at the book in her hand.

"Oh, Harry Potter, of course. I missed you guys too much" she says as she chuckles.

Lupin chuckles, too. "We missed you, too. Let me guess, you especially miss a certain someone? A Potions Master, perhaps?" he asks, giving her a small smirk. Y/N starts to blush. Of course he had to say that.

"Well... Yes" she admits while looking anywhere but at him.

Lupin laughs but also smiles at that. "I can tell you that he definitely misses you, too. Even though he won't admit it" he tells her, thinking about Snape never admitting it out loud. They all know the truth, though. Y/N can't help but smile at that. Snape misses her, too?

"Now, I have actually come here to bring you to Headmaster Dumbledore. He has a favour to ask" Lupin suddenly says. A favour? What could that be?

Nodding, she takes a hold of his arm as they apparate to Hogsmeade.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now