Chapter seventeen

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TW: Attempted rape and mentions of torture

The Trix finally appear in Shadow Haunt with Y/N. As they enter his fortress, Y/N sees him right away on his throne. Lord Darkar. The red phoenix-looking man with sharp claws. You can't even see his face as it's all dark. All that can be seen is his evil smile.

"Finally, you are here. So you are the Keeper of the Diamond? Interesting. With your help, I will rule the entire Magic Dimension!" Darkar says while giving an evil laugh.

The Trix witches roll their eyes. "Yeah, yeah, and we will take over Magix!" Stormy exclaims, laughing as she then gives an evil smile.

"Yes, yes. But it is not entirely on you that we even got her. If it was not for her, then we would not know that we needed the Keeper and an orange diamond as well as the pink one" Darkar states as he points to someone hiding in the dark.

An evil, psychopathic laugh can be heard. Y/N turns around. No. Not her. She's supposed to be in Azkaban, right?

Out of the shadows emerges Bellatrix Lestrange. "Hello, Keeper of the Diamond. Remember me? Oh, but of course you do! I can see it on your fearful face" Bellatrix says as she steps towards Y/N, smirking at her evilly.

She then caresses her left cheek when she out of nowhere scratches it with her long nails without leaving any marks. It still hurts, though.

Darkar sighs. "I know I promised that you can torture the girl, Bellatrix. But it will have to wait until after I have gained control over the Magic Dimension with her help" he calmly says.

Bellatrix huffs. "Of course, Lord Darkar" she says, yet she's irritated as she cannot torture the girl right now.

As she's about to leave, she then whispers in Y/N's right ear. "By the way, I am not the only Death Eater here" she whispers in a creepy tone as she gives Y/N a smirk. She then leaves to enter a room. Not the only Death Eater? Who else could be here?

However, Y/N's train of thoughts is interrupted. "Trix, put her in a room. I am sure our guest is tired. And I repeat - do not harm her. You can do whatever you want with her when I have gained what is mine" Darkar promises them as he's waiting for them to do what he says.

What's up with the evil guys calling her a guest when she's clearly not one?!

The Trix sighs. "Yes, Lord Darkar" Darcy says as she rolls her eyes. They then grab Y/N and push her into a room as they lock the door. The room is quite dark, she can't see much. The only thing she can spot is a bed.

She lies down on the bed and covers herself with the duvet. She doesn't even bother to take off her dress and Valtor's jacket, only her shoes.

She's afraid who the second Death Eater might be. She has a bad feeling. After a while, sleep finally takes over her. She has nightmares, of course.

In the evening while still sleeping, Y/N is suddenly awakened by a creepy voice. "Good evening" the voice whispers.

Y/N jumps up in bed and stares at the person, bewildered. No. Not him. In front of her is the face of her nightmares. Is this another nightmare? It can't be real!

Sure enough, Dolohov is in front of her, smirking at her evilly. "You did not forget me, did you? That is good. And this time, Lucius and Severus will not be here to save you" he states as he licks his lips.

Y/N gulps. What should she do? She can't get away from him!

Before she can even think of using her powers, he suddenly grabs her throat. He then leans close to her face. "Yes, this time I will get my revenge" he whispers.

While his grip is still on her throat as she struggles, he then touches her left thigh as his hand travels up. Y/N is panicking as she can barely breathe.

The door suddenly opens before he can do anything else. The Trix is there. They all give him a disgusted look.

"Really, Dolohov? Can't you wait? I'm sure you already know what Darkar told us - do not harm the girl until he has gained control of the Magic Dimension!" Icy says while balling her hands into fists. This idiot is not going to ruin their chances of finally controlling Magix.

Dolohov huffs as he steps away from Y/N. "Fine" he simply says as he leaves the room.

The Trix then motions for Y/N to follow them. As she recovers from the shock, she puts her shoes on and does so.

Darkar is once again on his throne. He rises from his seat as he approaches the Trix and Y/N. "I have somewhere else to be. In the meantime, do not harm the girl. None of you are to hurt her in any way" he states as he looks at the Trix, Bellatrix and lastly, Dolohov.

Dolohov nods as he huffs in annoyance and then leaves to enter a room.

Darkar then turns to Y/N. "And you, my girl, are not to use your magic while I am gone" he says as he then takes the orange diamond out of the pocket of her dress. Great, now Darkar has both diamonds. He then disappears.

"Ugh, what now? We can't have fun!" Stormy exclaims after a bit of silence, looking irritated.

Bellatrix smirks at her. "We can still have fun - what he does not know will not hurt him" she says as she looks at Y/N evilly. Icy is in deep thought.

"So what? You say we torture her? He will obviously find out!" Darcy states.

Bellatrix laughs at that. "I know a spell that can hide the marks. What do you say, girls? How about some torture?" she suggests as she can't wait any longer.

Icy gives an evil smirk. "I do love a good torture!" she says as she laughs, quite evilly.

Y/N looks absolutely terrified. Will the others come to save her in time?

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now