Chapter twenty

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After they have apparated to Hogsmeade, Snape and the six teenagers head towards Hogwarts. As they walk through the castle, they turn towards the Headmaster's office. "Lemon firewhiskey" Snape says out loud in front of the golden gargoyle. The stairs are revealed to them.

"Lemon firewhiskey? Does that even exist?" Vera whispers to Y/N who just shrugs. Dumbledore's choice of passwords can't surprise her anymore.

As they all walk up the stairs, they are met by a smiling Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall. "It is good to see that you all made it. And you even helped us catch one of the Azkaban escapees. We hope that you are okay, Y/N. On behalf of Hogwarts, we would like to invite you three girls to stay for dinner as well as stay the night" Dumbledore says as his eyes sparkle.

He gives Vera and Laura a knowing look. They both nod as they get the hint.

McGonagall clears her throat. "Since dinner has already finished, the house elves will prepare some food for us. Professor Lupin and Sirius Black will join us in the Great Hall as well when they return from Azkaban" she states. They all nod and leave for the Great Hall.

Y/N is the last one to leave so the others don't notice her struggle with the stairs. She always makes sure to be the last one to leave when having to walk down the stairs. That way, nobody will find out about her fear. Laura and Vera know, of course. But they have gotten used to it as she has assured them that she does not need help.

When they enter, Black and Lupin are already there. The food is already there as well. They all decide to sit together at the Gryffindor table, much to Snape's dismay. He doesn't comment on it, though. He just decides to curse under his breath.

The eleven people then take a seat at the long table. On one side is Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Lupin and Black. On the other side is Y/N right across Snape, then Vera, Laura, Hermione, Harry and Ron. They all eat their meal while discussing what has happened the past three days.

"We shared dorm with the Winx and Valtor. They made him sleep on the uncomfortable couch. It was pretty funny. We then went to a party on Domino, and then we ended up in Shadow Haunt to rescue Y/N" Laura states as she tells their story. Everybody nods while listening, intrigued.

Black then looks at Y/N, worried. "What happened to your face, Y/N?" he suddenly asks, gently. Y/N stops eating. She almost forgot about the scratches that Bellatrix gave her.

"Bellatrix Lestrange" she merely says. Black gets angry at the mentioning of his cousin's name. Of course she hurt her!

"But don't worry, you guys stopped her and Icy before they could do anything worse. Professor Snape and Valtor helped me while you were fighting them" she states, giving Snape a grateful look. They all look at Snape.

"Then it is good that they came just in time. And now Ms. Lestrange is back in Azkaban. I say we cheer to that" Dumbledore says as he raises his glass. Everybody copies him as they yell "Cheers!" in unison.

Y/N suddenly remembers something. "Have you been in the Winx Club dimension before, Dumbledore?" she questions him curiously.

Dumbledore's eyes sparkle at that. "Indeed I have. Headmistress Faragonda invited me to a cup of tea one time where we discussed our dimension and school" he tells her.

Y/N nods at that. She wonders if he was drinking lemon tea. She can definitely imagine that.

When they all finish their meal, several yawns can be heard. Dumbledore smiles. "You three girls can sleep in the Gryffindor dorms. Ms. Granger, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley will show you the way" he states while looking at Laura, Vera and Y/N. They all nod as the three friends follow the Trio.

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