Chapter twenty-one

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TW: Alcohol

The next morning, Snape wakes up to someone lying on top of him. He looks down to see Y/N hugging him. He chuckles to himself at that. He then slowly starts to massage her scalp. He can feel her relax even more by his touch.

Y/N then slowly opens her eyes and gives Snape a shy smile. "Good morning" she mutters.

"Good morning" he says in his silky morning voice.

She then notices their position and blushes. "S-sorry" she says as she slowly tries to roll off of him, he however stops her.

He gives her a smirk. "Do not be sorry. I in fact like this position" he says in a seductive tone. She hides her flustered face in his chest.

He chuckles at that. "Do not be shy, princess. By the way, I have something for you" he suddenly says.

He then changes position so he's sitting on the bed, Y/N in his lap. He then leans forward and kisses her. Y/N is surprised, she however kisses back immediately.

After a few seconds, Snape pulls back. "I remember Lucius saying that he stole your first kiss. Now you have something to compare to. Happy birthday, by the way" he says while caressing her arm.

Y/N widens her eyes. It's her birthday? She totally forgot.

She then takes her phone from the chair in the corner. She has a ton of messages. From the Winx, the Specialists, Laura, Vera and Valtor. All wishing her a happy birthday.

"Happy birthday, Y/N. I miss you already. Laura and Vera told us that today is your birthday. If they had told us sooner, I would have given you a gift. My jacket, perhaps? Who knows. By the way, your kindness has affected the Winx girls. They just gave me a new couch today. It is much more comfortable than the previous one. So thank you for that, honey". Y/N smiles at Valtor's message.

"Let me guess, lots of people wishing you a happy birthday?" Snape asks her curiously.

Y/N nods at him. "Yeah, it's the people from the Winx Club dimension. And Laura and Vera too, of course" she says as she chuckles.

She then looks at the time, shocked. "It's already evening! We must have been pretty tired last night" Y/N says as she can't believe how late it is. Snape nods.

"Indeed, you barely had the strength to change into my shirt" he says as he smirks, causing Y/N to blush.

"We should probably head to the Great Hall to announce that we have not died in our sleep. You can take a shower if you want" Snape suggests. She nods and rises from the bed, takes her green dress and heads to the shower.

When she's finished, Snape is dressed too. "Shall we?" he asks. As she nods, they both leave his private chambers, walk up the stairs and head towards the Great Hall.

When they enter, what greets them surprises Y/N. "Happy birthday!" everybody yells when Snape and Y/N enter the Great Hall.

It has been decorated with balloons, banners and flowers. The tables of the four Houses have been removed to make room for dancing. Instead, there are lots of cosy-looking couches. There is one long table which has drinks and snacks placed on it. On the staff table, lots of presents can be seen.

Y/N blushes more than ever, she however gives a happy and bright smile as well.

In the Great Hall is Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, Rubeus Hagrid, Sirius Black, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Fred and George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody. Even Dobby the Free Elf is here. And of course, Y/N's two best friends, Laura and Vera.

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