Chapter two

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TW: Attempted kidnapping

"Where is the diamond?" the woman asks as she smirks at them.

Vera and Laura take a good look at the three women. One of them, who is currently looking through some books, has very long, straight, dark brown hair. She's wearing purple clothes with a "D" on.

Another one, who just broke a chair as they entered the living room, has short, frizzy, purple-ish hair. It almost looks like she has been hit by lightning. She's wearing dark red clothes with a "S" on.

And finally, the last one, who has just been talking, has her silver blonde hair up in a tight, long ponytail. She's wearing dark yet icy blue clothing with an "I" on. She honestly looks cold - personality wise, of course. No need to offer her a blanket.

All three women are now staring at the two teenagers, smirking at them. Both Vera and Laura can't help but feel like they recognise these women. "W-who are you?" Vera dares to ask.

The woman with the tight ponytail, who seems to be the boss, gives an evil laugh. "Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves. How rude of us. I am Icy. This is Stormy" she says as she points to the woman with the frizzy, short hair. "And this is Darcy" she says as she then points to the woman with the really long hair. "And we are the Trix" she states as all three of them begin to laugh. Well, D for Darcy, S for Stormy and I for Icy. That makes sense.

Wait a minute. No way. The Trix? But they are villains in Winx Club! Which is a CARTOON show! "Wait, how is that even possible? You are supposed to be freaking cartoon characters!" Laura exclaims. Vera agrees with her. It doesn't make any sense. Are there other dimensions than theirs and the Harry Potter one?

Icy once again smirks. "Well, well. You see, we are from another dimension. And we are currently on a mission. Now, don't waste our time, silly girls. Give us the diamond!" Icy demands while the two others are crossing their arms, waiting for the girls to do as she says. Well, great. Why does everyone always want a diamond?!

"Diamond? We don't have a diamond. There's no diamond here" Vera quickly says, quite nervous.

When they returned from the Wizarding World, the girls agreed that the orange diamond should stay with Y/N while the pink one should stay with Laura. Just in case anybody wanted to steal them - like now.

Stormy laughs at that. "Ha, how cute! Think you can tell us there's no diamond here, huh? It's obviously here, we can feel its energy" she states, knowing that Vera is lying.

Darcy takes a few steps forward. "Yeah, just give up. Be good girls and give it to us. Then we won't hurt you, at least not that much" she says, giving an evil smile.

Laura thinks about what they should do. Should they call Y/N? Or quickly run into Laura's bedroom to get the diamond? They can't use it, though! Only Y/N can. Wait, that's it!

"We might have a diamond here. But what do you want with it? It doesn't do anything" Laura states as she shrugs. It's the truth, though. It's absolutely useless in the hands of others than Y/N's.

Icy sighs. "Let's just say we have to give it to someone. With that diamond, we can finally rule over the entire Magix" she says, looking like it's all she has ever dreamt of.

Laura nor Vera notices Darcy suddenly disappearing. She then returns - with the pink diamond in her hand. "Thanks, girls. We will take good care of it" Darcy says as she smirks. Oh, no. What now?

"Why don't we take them with us? I'm sure he would want us to. That way they can't alarm those annoying little pixies if they show up here" Stormy suggests. Him? Who's him?

Icy thinks for a while. "Good idea, Stormy. You are probably right" she says, agreeing with her.

Suddenly, Stormy grabs Vera while Darcy grabs Laura. "Well, then. Let's go. We have a diamond to give" Icy states. All five of them then disappear through a portal.

They suddenly appear in what looks like a forest. "Damn it! How did we end up in the Gloomy Wood Forest?!" Stormy exclaims, quite angry.

Darcy rolls her eyes at her. "Something clearly went wrong with the portal" she says as she looks at Icy who glares at her.

"Don't you dare look at me like that! It wasn't my fault!" she says through gritted teeth.

Stormy snorts at that. "Yeah, right. And I'm the queen of Solaria" she says in a sarcastic tone. All three of the women start to fight each other.

While they are distracted, Laura takes the opportunity. "Psst. Come on, Vera. We have to run! I think I know where we are" she whispers to her. Nodding, Vera starts to run away with Laura.

The Trix doesn't even seem to notice, at least not right away. "Hey, where did those annoying little girls go?" Stormy questions as she looks around, not seeing them anywhere.

Icy and Darcy then turn around to see that the girls are indeed gone. "No! They got away!" Icy screams while she takes her head in her hands.

"Ugh, they are probably headed to Alfea. You know we can't get them if they do get through the barrier" Darcy states.

Admitting their defeat, the Trix sighs as they then disappear.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now