Chapter twelve

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The inside of the castle is absolutely beautiful. Especially with the banners of a dragon which must be the Great Dragon.

Queen Marion then turns to look at them all. "You can all change into your party clothing upstairs in Bloom's room, there should be enough room for all you girls. And you can change into one of the guest rooms, Valtor. The other guests will arrive soon" the Queen states.

Nodding, the girls and Valtor then go up stairs. The Winx, Vera, Laura and Y/N head to Bloom's room while Valtor enters one of the guest rooms.

After a while, all the girls are finally dressed and finished doing their hair. All the Winx girls have decided to have their hair up in an up-do.

Laura and Vera just have their hair down while Y/N have chosen to go for a braid.

When they leave the room, they are met by a very impatient-looking Valtor. "You ladies sure took your time, huh?" he asks while rolling his eyes. Seriously, how long can it take to put on a dress? The girls just giggle.

"If you were a girl, Valtor, then you would probably understand. Now, come on. Let's join the party!" Stella exclaims, excited. All the Winx hurry down the stairs to meet their boyfriends.

Of course, Musa is not as thrilled as the others but she still goes with them.

Vera and Laura just shrug at the running Winx Club while casually walking down the stairs.

Down the stairs. Y/N sighs. She hates to walk down the stairs. Valtor senses her concern. "Is something bothering you, Y/N?" he asks while raising an eyebrow.

She blushes at him. "Um, no, I'm fine, thank you" she says as she gives a nervous laugh.

Valtor doesn't fall for that, of course. "I can tell you are nervous about something. What is wrong? Don't like parties?" he asks, a bit jokingly.

Y/N lets out a breath. He's probably going to laugh at her. "Well, I do actually not like parties... There are always way too many people there... But that's not the problem right now. You see, um, I don't like to walk down stairs. It's kind of a fear of mine" she admits as she looks away from him, embarrassed.

Valtor is in deep thought at her confession. After a while, he chuckles a bit. "You do not like to walk down stairs, huh?" he finally asks.

Y/N just shakes her head. He then smirks at her. "Well, then, let me help you" he simply says.

Before Y/N can even think of a response, Valtor suddenly takes her in his arms and carries her down the stairs in bridal style. Y/N squeals a bit. "V-Valtor, please don't drop me!" she says, panicked.

He just chuckles. "Do not worry, honey. I will not drop you, that's a promise" he says in a reassuring tone.

When they have finally reached the end of the stairs, Y/N sighs in relief. He didn't drop her. She's still in his arms, though.

She starts to blush, quite a lot. "Thank you, Valtor. Um, you can let go of me now" she shyly says.

Valtor just smirks at her. "Really? I was beginning to like carrying you, you are light as a feather. But if you insist" he says as he then gently puts her down on the ground.

She gives him a shy smile. "Thank you. I do really hate to walk down the stairs" she says as she chuckles.

He gives her a bow. "My pleasure. By the way, you look absolutely breathtaking in that dress. It suits you" he says in a seductive tone. Y/N once again blushes. Is he making her blush on purpose?

After admiring her flustered face for a while, Valtor then takes out his arm for her to grab it. "Shall we?" he asks her politely. She nods as she wraps her arm around his.

They then join the party with the others. There are a lot of people. A LOT of people. Y/N starts to panic a bit. Valtor can tell that she really doesn't like such parties. Well, he is going to change that.

"How about a dance?" he suggests as he takes out his hand.

Now she's even more nervous. "I-I can't dance" she shyly admits.

He smirks at her once again. "Do not worry, I can teach you. Come on, I insist" he says. She finally takes her hand in his as they walk to the dance floor.

"Put your hand on my shoulder. I will then put my hand on your waist" he states. Y/N does as he says. She can't help but blush when he puts his hand on her waist. They then start to dance, slowly.

She's actually having fun. So much fun that she doesn't even think about the many people looking at them. Even the Winx and the Specialists.

Everybody is looking at two people dancing. "Does Y/N like him?" Sky suddenly asks. He can't help but question how she's blushing while looking at Valtor as they are dancing.

Bloom giggles at that. "Yeah, Stella made the girls tell us who their favourite character is. Imagine our surprise when Y/N told us hers" she states.

Stella claps her hands in excitement. "I know Valtor's probably a bit older than her, but aren't they kind of cute together?" she asks as she squeals. Layla facepalms at that. Of course Stella is going to play matchmaker.

"A bit? He's a wizard, do you have any idea how long they live? He could be one thousand years old" Tecna states while raising an eyebrow. Musa snorts at the Fairy of Technology's comment. That could explain his weird fashion sense. Stella definitely agrees with that.

"No wonder that man doesn't have taste in clothing. At least he's wearing something proper tonight. Except for that stupid jacket. Couldn't he have bought one that matches his pants and shirt?" she exclaims, complaining about Valtor's outfit. Everybody laughs. He does like that jacket quite a lot.

"Hey, where are Laura and Vera?" Brandon suddenly asks.

Timmy is quick to spot them. "They are over there by the couches having a drink" he states. They all sigh in relief. They were afraid that they had gotten lost. Or something worse.

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