2: Discovery

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"Hello class, I'm glad to see you all back to school this year!" Your homeroom teacher says. "We have a new student this year, would you please come in?" She adds, looking towards you.

You nod, and step into the classroom. Your teacher has you stand in front of the class to introduce yourself.

"Hello, my name is (Y/n) (L/n). I hope we can all be friends." You say, genuinely smiling, until you notice him.

The asshole with the woman cult. Jojo, was it?

You didn't let your smile alter though, since you stood in front of the class still.

"Very good!" The teacher says. "You can go sit back there, in the seat towards the middle."

You nod, and walk over to your seat. You glace over at 'Jojo', who just happened to be a couple of seats away from you. He had his feet propped up on his desk and everything— the true, cliché "delinquent".

Then you looked at your arm— it was still bleeding a tad bit from earlier.

I think it will be fine healing it in here... no one can see my Stand anyways.

You begin to feel Red Velvet's soft, silky ribbon wrap around your arm a bit, feeling a tingly sensation in your arm— but it felt nice, like someone was massaging your arm.

Once your arm was done healing, the ribbon recoiled back into your shirt sleeve and disappeared. Then, you began doing your work.

Little did you know, that Jojo person was watching the whole thing happen.

He noticed the sudden movement of something in your direction, so he glanced to see what it was— and there it was, a ribbon coming from your shirt sleeve. It wrapped around the scrape, and when it recoiled, the scrape was gone— no scar or anything.

No way, that couldn't have been anything else, he thought. There's no way, her of all people...

You felt his eyes on you. You glanced over at him, and to your surprise, he was staring at you in disbelief...

Shit. Your eyes widened. Judging by the way he's looking at you, he must have seen your Stand. Since he could see it... there are actually other Stand users at this school.

Is he going to hurt me? Does he even know that he has a Stand, if he has one? Does he have something to do with Father??

So many thoughts were racing through your head. You had to confront him about it later.

You wait beside the door, Jojo being the last one to come out of the classroom. As he walks out, you just decide to ask him.

"You saw that. Didn't you?"

He didn't answer and kept on waking, which caused you to get annoyed with him. You decided to follow him, and you spoke once more.

"I said, did you see that?!" You raise your voice a little.

"Good grief... Shut up woman, not so loud. Follow me."

You didn't argue with him any more, and just decided to follow him. You just wanted to get an answer out of him.

He took you to behind the school, where he lit a cigarette.

"You brought me back here just to smoke?" You ask him, annoyed.

"No. I didn't want to risk the wrong person seeing or overhearing us." All of a sudden, he throws his cigarette up into the air. You begin to back up a bit, and all a sudden, a purple arm appears from him and catches the cigarette with its thumb and index finger. Then, he puts the cigarette back in his mouth.

You didn't see it for more that a few seconds, but you knew what it was. "That was Star Platinum. Did you see it?" He said.

So he was a Stand user after all. "Mhm. I didn't think there would be any other Stand users here." You say to him, deciding to be honest.

"So you have knowledge about the Stands... and I assume you actually know how to use yours."

You nod. Mostly, at least, is what you thought. You've never really had anyone to talk to about your Stand, so you didn't know if you knew all of its abilities or not.

"Don't use your Stand in class, or around the school like that where people can see you again. The enemy could be anyone." He squints his eyes at you. "And how do I know you aren't my enemy?"

You look at him in disbelief. "What makes you think I'm your enemy?"

"I just want to make sure. I don't know much about you, so you're as much as an enemy as anyone else is." He puts out his cigarette by rubbing it on the brick wall, and throws it on the ground to stomp on it.

So you decide to tell him about yourself. "I lived in Kyoto, before my mom and I moved here... and uh... you know my name already. I guess that's about it?" You say. Ugh, why am I the one having to explain myself? You thought as you pursed your lips.

'Jojo' looked at you, taking all of this in. "You only mentioned your mom. What about...?"

"My dad isn't... in the picture anymore." You say to him. He nods, understanding that you might not want to say anything about it.

You had no clue why your father had began to turn evil. It was only a little bit before your own Stand manifested.

He used to be kind and loving to you and your mother. However, something in him changed. He had never hit you, but he wasn't kind anymore. He did hit your mom though, forcing you to use your Stand's abilities to heal her wounds.

"Did he know about your Stand?" He asked.

"I'm not sure... But I know he has one though, I've seen glimpses of it. I thought I was going crazy when I was first able to see it, but then I learned about my own Stand, Red Velvet."

"So your father's a Stand user too... strange." He almost whispers to himself. "...Wait for me after school. There's a few people I need you to meet. And don't tell anyone about any of this, understand?!" He yelled at you, making you back away slightly.

"Oh... okay..." You nod, and head back into the building, taken back by his short outburst. You luckily won't be late for class—you made it just in time.

But little did you know, meeting with these people will change your life— in more ways than one.

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