13: Yellow Temperance, Part 2

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"Oh my god!" Anne screamed. "Jojo just jumped out of the cable car!"

Your eyes widen as you quickly turn your head, seeing shards of glass fall out from the cable car that's getting further and further. You see Jotaro flying through the air. "Mr. Joestar, I have to go. I'm gonna help Jotaro!" You hand the phone to Anne and run towards the edge of the platform. "Anne, go back to the hotel!"

You jump and use Red Velvet to swing onto the tower before Jotaro got close to it.

Jotaro didn't look like he was going to make it onto the tower, so your Stand grabbed him with its ribbon and pulled him onto it.

As he landed, Jotaro lifted up his hand, revealing a weird, yellow goo-like substance. "Jotaro, what is that?" You say, almost touching it—

Jotaro pulls his hand away from you. "Don't touch it. It's part of that Stand that I'm fighting. It will only spread onto you if you touch it."

"Then how do we get it off? There has to be a way to pry it off of there somehow," You say to him, trying to think of a solution.

Jotaro shrugs, and the goo on his finger starts to make him bleed. "Good grief... I don't know if there is a way to get it off. This Stand... it's a Stand that combines with flesh. It's devouring my finger."

The enemy all the way from the broken cable car laughs. "Oh, so you think you got away, Jojo? Listen up! My Stand, Yellow Temperance, has no weaknesses! It's not that you ran away; It's that I don't have to chase you, you little shits!" The Stand user shouts, getting further and further away.

Jotaro sighs and pulls a lighter out of his pocket. "Jotaro, you're not planning on burning your finger off... Are you?"

"I hope I won't have to do that. It'll burn me, too... but I suppose that this is the only way to ensure its death. You can just heal my finger afterwards, I guess," Jotaro explains. You nod, watching him get to work.

He holds the flame up to the yellow goo... and all it does is spread out. "Jotaro, don't! It will only make it spread, heating it isn't a good idea."

Jotaro shakes his head as he puts his lighter away. He notices something off in the distance— A kid with a popsicle in another cable car.

"If I can't heat it, I'll freeze it." He grabs your hand with the hand that's not being taken over by Yellow Temperance, runs with you to the edge of the small tower, and uses Star Platinum to latch on to the cable car, ripping the door off in the process. There's the small child with the popsicle, a rich looking woman, and a sleeping man with a dog on a leash.

He needs to learn that I can get around myself...

You also didn't really like the idea of trying to use ice on the goo. What if it only does the same thing as before?

"My my, what a strange enterance," The woman says to the two of you.

"Don't mind us," You say to her. Jotaro kneels down in front of the kid.

"Hey kid. Lemme see your popsicle for a second," Jotaro says as he carefully takes it from the little boy, making him cry.

"Oi, what are you doing with that kid's ice pop?" The lady says angrily.

"Oh, is this your kid?" You ask her.

"No, but—"

"Then shut up and enjoy the view. We're busy here," Jotaro says.

You pat the kid on the head, and he looks up at you. "I'm sorry. We'll buy you a new one once we get down, okay?" You reassure him. He smiles slightly and nods, wiping his tears away.

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