15: Unwanted Reunion

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No words could describe the panic that set in as you watched Avdol fall to the ground. He made no effort to get back up, and you feared the worst.

"Avdol!" You and Kakyoin rush to his side, Kakyoin gently lifting him up. "Mr. Avdol, you have to wake up! C'mon... (Y/n), your Stand! If you heal him, he can wake up! He'll open his eyes any minute! He's going to be—"

You look down at Avdol as you sat beside him and Kakyoin... Avdol wasn't responding to anything Kakyoin was saying. You shake your head. "Kakyoin... my Stand can heal wounds. But once... Once a life is taken..." You look away, tears beginning to form at your eyes.

Kakyoin looks down at Avdol sadly, gently placing him back on the ground. You clench your fists on your lap and frustrated tears begin to spill. You usually didn't like crying in front of others, not wanting to seem weak... but you just couldn't help it this time. Avdol, like all of the other members of your party, was starting to feel more and more like some sort of family to you.

You close your eyes and clench your jaw, keeping your head down. You sob once before you feel a pair of arms wrap around you. Kakyoin brings you close to him to comfort you, holding your head near his chest. He whispers something to you, but you can't hear his words through your sobs.

"Th-This should h-have never happened..." You attempt to speak through sobs. "That Stand was too quick!"

Polnareff turns away before speaking bitterly. "Well it did happen. That's what he gets for lecturing people. Now, look at him!"

Kakyoin reluctantly lets go of you and looks up at Polnareff. "What did you just say, Polnareff?! Mr. Avdol was worried about you—"

"I didn't ask him for help! He wanted to help, but he was slow as hell, so all he did was just get in the way... That's why I wanted to do this myself!"

You wipe your face off with your sleeve. "He saved your life, Polnareff. How could you...?" You quietly speak up before you notice a tear drop hit the ground.

And another one.

Polnareff's voice cracks as he speaks up once more. "I-It really annoys me! Having my friends up and die on me!"

He turns back and you see his face streaming with tears. Your expression softens as you look at him, wanting to console him as well, but you all see something far to the right.

Your enemy with the gun from across the street finally decides to do something— He laughs as he kicks his cigarette, putting it out. "He's got a strong face, yet he died instantly!"

You look back, scowling at the man. Polnareff turns to face him, and Kakyoin tenses up. You stand up as well to face your enemy. Polnareff steps forward before Kakyoin stands up as well, preparing to speak up. Before he could say anything, the man with the gun begins to speak.

"You know, Polnareff, it wouldn't be very smart to try to take us on by yourself! You're acting all tough, yet you'll just go as easily as that Avdol guy did. Besides... we have an extra helping hand. Koyato! I've ran into someone that you might want to catch up with!" He looks off into the distance as a sinister smile comes to his face.

Your eyes widen at that all too familiar name, and you could feel your fists clench as anger bubbled up inside of you. You could feel a drop of cold sweat make its way down your forehead...

...Before you slowly turned around to face the unforgivable man who unfortunately shared the same last name as you.

He was much taller than you were, and his eyes— which looked exactly like your own— pierced into your gaze. His hair, which you also shared your hair color with, was parted to the side as it slightly swayed in the gentle breeze.

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