22: A Rivalry Begins

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Surprisingly, the sad little car that your group used made it to the border of Pakistan in one piece. Jotaro went off to a nearby clothing store to get another jacket fitted for him once you all arrived. The previous jacket was left in nothing but ashes and a button or two missing from when you had all previously fought Wheel of Fortune.

You thought about going with him to the clothing store. You wanted to buy another shirt since the sleeves in yours were starting to become rather torn, but decided to stay with everyone else to say goodbye to Anne.

"I don't wanna leave! I wanna stay with you guys!" Anne screams and kicks as she tries to get out of Polnareff's grasp.

"You have to go home! You can't keep following us around!" Polnareff yells back.

"Polnareff, put her down." You say to him.


"I said put her down."

Polnareff's eyes widen at your stern command and glare, doing what you tell him. You walk towards Anne and you slightly crouch down to where you're at eye level with her.

"Anne, we're here for an important mission. We're here to save Jotaro's mom, who is also Mr. Joestar's daughter. Her life is in danger," You explain to her in a soft voice. Her eyes soften and she gasps slightly. "Things are only going to get more and more dangerous. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"(Y/n) is right," Mr. Joestar stands beside Anne and gently puts a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him. "I'm also sure that your own family is worrying about you. You've had your own little adventure, but now it's time to go home."

Anne looks down and sighs. "Fine..." She looks back up towards you. "I'm gonna miss you, (Y/n)."

"I'm going to miss you too, Anne." You give her a small smile as you step out of the way so she can go up the stairs onto the plane.

She takes a few steps but stops as she puts her foot on the first step of the stairs. After a moment she quickly turns around and runs back to you, giving you a big hug. This takes you by surprise, but you quickly hug her back.

"Thanks for protecting me, even though I totally could have protected myself..." She mutters before letting go of you.

"Anytime. Just so you know, I won't forget about you. You're kind of like an honorary little sister, you know. Who knows, maybe we'll even run into each other in the future?" You say to her. You knew this wasn't likely, but you didn't want your parting from her to be a sad one.

"Maybe..." She motions for you to come closer to her, and she leans to whisper something into your ear. "If I ever see you again, you better have a ring on your finger! I still think both of those boys have the hots for you!"

You gasp in embarrassment as Anne bursts out into laughter and runs to the stairs of the plane again. "Bye (Y/n)! Bye you guys..." She looks around as her voice trails off.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Joestar asks when he notices her look around.

She probably wanted to say bye to Jotaro as well. If only he could have waited just a little longer to get a new jacket...

"...It's nothing." Anne walked up the stairs and went on the plane without another word.

After a moment, the plane's engine started up and before you knew it, Anne was gone. You sigh as you watch as the plane go down the runway and fly away, knowing that you'll probably never get to see her again.

I know she already 'left' once, but now that she's gone for real, it's much more sad. Goes to show just how much getting attached to someone can hurt... I don't know how to describe it. I can't say I'll feel lonely, as I won't really be alone, but it will be different without her around. Of course I can still consider Jojo and Noriaki my friends... but it was nice having another girl around.

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