12: Yellow Temperance, Part 1

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When you and Anne make it to your room, you want to immediately rush to the phone, even if you have to pay a small phone call fee— But Anne wants to ask you something.

"So, (Y/n)... What's up with you and Jojo?" She asks you with a small smile on her face.

"Me and him?! Pfft, no way. Never." You try to reason with her. But something about the thought of it...

No! Don't even think about that!

"Oh, really? Last night he took that jacket of his off, and was just like 'Good grief, I'm doing this so she doesn't get sick, blah blah' and put it on you," Anne says as she tries to mock Jotaro's deep voice. "No one even told him to do it! Then he pulled you real close to him, and he stayed like that with you all night. He totally has the hots for you!"

Your face feels like it's broken out into flames, a heat that not even a fire extinguisher can put out.

Nobody told him to put his jacket on me, he wanted to? And he didn't put his arm around me in his sleep?!

"Y-You probably just have the wrong idea... There's no way he would like me like that," You try to reason with her.

"Whatever you say, I guess. I just think you're too blind to see it. But, if not Jojo, do you like someone else in the group? Maybe Kakyoin?~"

You hide your face in your hands, your embarrassment probably making your appearance resemble that of a tomato. "I don't have any time to think about trying to get with either of them. We're on an important mission, here!"

You sigh before changing the subject. "Anne, I'm going to make a phone call. You can just relax for a bit or whatever," You say to her. You sit down on your bed and grab the phone, dialing the only important phone number you bothered to remember— Your mother's number. She would probably be awake, since Japan's timezone was only an hour ahead of Singapore's.

As you press the call button, you hold the phone to your ear and listen. How you have been longed to hear your mother's voice again... you didn't realize how much you missed her until now.

"Hello, (L/n) residence," Your mother says on the other end of the line.

"Mom! It's me, (Y/n)! The hotel that I'm at has a landline phone in the room!" You say smiling, happy that she picked up.

"(Y/n)?! Oh sweetie, I've missed you!" Her voice is so much happier now. "Have you been doing ok? Have you guys made it to Egypt yet? Are you on your way home?"

You sigh, sad to tell her what has been going on. "A-About that... our plane that was supposed to take us to Egypt crashed—"


"It's okay, Mom! My friends and I are fine, we didn't get hurt! We had to make an emergency landing off of the coast of Hong Kong... That was a few days ago. We're in Singapore now."

"Singapore... Are you guys still trying to get to Egypt?" Your mother asks worryingly.

"Mhm. And it's not safe to ride on airplanes due to... certain circumstances. This trip is going to take us a lot longer than we originally thought it would..."

There's silence on the other end of the phone.

"Mom? Are you still there?"

"Oh yes sweetie, I am... Do you know when you will be able to come home?"

I wish I did, Mom. I really wish I did.

"I'm sorry, Mom... I don't. But we're all doing just fine," You tell her. Well... maybe not completely fine. But you were finally at a resting point in the journey, and you could hopefully relax. It's been a while since you've slept on an actual bed.

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