5: Goodbye for now, Mother

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That name again. The one who your father works for... your father... out of the country...

"How would we find him though?" Kakyoin asked.

"I could get a photo with my Hermit Purple... but I would have to destroy a 30,000 yen camera in the process." Mr. Joestar sighed.

But then, you remembered. The location that your father ran off to.

"There's no need for that, Mr. Joestar." You say, standing up. "I think... I think know where my father went. Since my father works for that DIO man, I'm sure he's gone to his location."

"Really? Do you remember the city? Or just the country," Avdol asked you.

"... Egypt. Cairo, Egypt. That has to be it!"

They all look at you, surprised. "What? I suddenly remembered. He's mentioned the town more than once, now that I look back at it. It has to be Cairo."

They all looked at each other, Mr. Joestar speaking up. "We may be able to find him after all."

"If you think you have a chance to find him, then I'm going to help. I... I want to find my father as well. Find him and... and kill him for what he's done to my family." You decide. You had no clue what you were doing— you kind of just felt like saying that. Your mother was just as sweet as Holly is, she didn't deserve anything that your father did to her. Or, that he might have done to anyone else. "Plus, I suppose want to help Holly as well."

"No, it's too dangerous." Jotaro speaks up. And he cares? You thought.

"Jotaro's right... but you're willing to risk your life for someone you just met?" Kakyoin says. "That's sweet... but how would your own mother react?"

You didn't think about that part. "I can talk to her about it. If I'm going, which I assume we would have to leave right away, I'm going to need something other than... this." You say, looking down at your school uniform. Jotaro and Kakyoin would probably stay in theirs, but they weren't the ones wearing semi-revealing skirts either.

Avdol speaks up. "Are you sure you're going to be able to handle it? It won't be a short trip."

"I wouldn't get myself into anything if I knew I couldn't handle it." You say, looking him in the eyes sternly. "So please, if my mother allows me to, let me go."

Mr. Joestar thought about this... "We could use the help of another Stand user. You never know, her Stand could be pretty powerful!"

That, you weren't sure of. But it didn't matter, you could learn to fight with her well.

"Only if your mother lets you, you can come with us." Mr. Joestar says. "We don't want to get blamed for kidnapping you, after all!" He adds with a small laugh.

They actually agreed. You smile as you stood up. "Great. I'm going back to my house, I want to talk to her in person— and I'll also need a few things."

"I'll go with you." Not one— but two voices pitch in. Kakyoin— you weren't surprised he wanted to help you— and Jotaro. He wanted to take you?

"Uh... well I—" You begin, confused. The sudden amount of tension in the room seemed to hit like a rock.

Mr. Joestar whispers something to Kakyoin. He looks somewhat disappointed— but still agrees, and walks out of the room. You shoot Mr. Joestar a questioning look.

"Jotaro, you go with (Y/n). Since your own mother is the one who's sick, you can help explain better to her mother."

You walk over to the exit, as Jotaro nods and follows you. "I'll lead the way." You say, trying to make some sort of conversation.

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